7 Segment Decoder - 3 Wide Green Display

    7 Segment Decoder - 3 Wide Green Display v.2.0

    Game version

    This is a simple 3 light(green) in width, seven segment decoder circuit. Input is 4 bits(Base-2) wide with the values of(0->15) inclusive. Resultant display output is green colored in Hexadecimal(Base-16) output with values of(0->F) inclusive.

    Please note that this is not decimal(Base-10) so without conversion with another small amount of logic or limiting the binary input to include 0-9 only, this won't be limited to numerical outputs for use in clocks or timers.

    Used in my RAM and ROM for debugging 4 and 8 bit outputs in an easier to read way without the overhead of more complicated logic. Not a very complicated or tedious circuit so it may be a waste of time to share but if it helps one person out there then it's worth it. I have larger versions as well but I liked the compactness of this version best. May share the larger versions but havn't decided yet.

    This first version is larger than the one I use more often (please see version 2 posted shortly after this one) but not by alot and it has the benefit of being easier to reach and read the input activators as well as having all of the logic fit behind the lights.

    Please also note that this template is the decoder and lights ONLY if you want more advanced LED display features like counters and limits check out some of the other talented Starmade community content creators. One that I had checked out before was created by Bench and is available here: https://starmadedock.net/content/7-segment-display.1217/ while a bit older from around 2014 lucky for us the logic systems havn't changed very much and it offers alot of interesting features at the cost of space.

    Changing the color of the lights can be accomplished by reconnecting the OR-Gates immediatley behind the current lights with new lights of the desired new color.

    As always if you have any feedback, comments or questions please don't hesitate to let me know. I appreciate any crituqes or compliments. Thanks for your time and interest.


    Version 01:

    Dimensions: 3x5x5
    Volume: 75 Blocks^3
    Activator: 5
    AND : 23
    Button : 0
    Flip-Flop: 0
    Delay : 0
    NOT : 4
    OR : 20
    Wireless : 0

    Logic Count Total: 52
    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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    1. Version 2 - Denser

      Version 2 is denser than version 1 saving a little space and I have 2 templates one has display...