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    1. Inspired2150

      My account seems to have lost it's upgraded status?

      Seconded, I've bought the game about a year ago, literally the same minute with my friend. He activated his steam game just now and got an upgraded status, whereas my account says "Limited". Is this intended? I had a badge on the previous forum.
    2. Inspired2150

      What is your strategy to obtain credits when you start?

      You deconstruct the neutral station to obtain salvage. Brick salvager is a salvage ship that is shaped like a brick. Here is a frontal view: x - salvage cannon o - filler/AMC cannon x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o o x...
    3. Inspired2150

      What is your strategy to obtain credits when you start?

      1) Jump onto a core 2) look for a neutral station 3) ?? 4) Refine obtained salvage into Salvage cannons, power blocks and engines 5) Build a brick salvager and fly around eating asteroids
    4. Inspired2150

      Turret Accuracy

      If I recall correctly sniper turret is cannon + beam? I have tried that, using 40 blocks of both weapons, and it had NEVER hit an Insanth (lolspelling) in +- 3 minutes I watched it. I swear it's like watching a drunk person fling potatoes at birds. I then proceeded to go afk for about half an...
    5. Inspired2150

      Turret Accuracy

      First of all, hello, fellow community, I have not been playing this game for +- 5 months, so please bear with me. First of all, thank you Schema and co. for the great updates to the game! I am here to ask your opinions on the current turret accuracy. Surely the previous 100% hit-rate was...
    6. Inspired2150

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      Signed, liked, subscribed, followed, donated blood and sacrificed virgins to. Let's hope it happens.
    7. Inspired2150

      Push Effect + Clock = Cruse Control!

      Curses! What gave it away?
    8. Inspired2150

      Make small arms penetrate shields

      See, if you did not have reading comprehension issues, you would have noticed this line: "Then again, a large ship hitting for 10000 with its cannon will obviously one shot any block through bleedthrough, which is bad. I guess bleedthrough damage can be capped at like 20 damage per shot?" And...
    9. Inspired2150

      Make small arms penetrate shields

      I think this could be an interesting concept if implemented right. It could be a bleedthrough effect block, which you can slave into a weapon system, which at 1/1/1 ratio would provide 10% bleedthrough. This could actually make heavy armor useful. Because, say, if it reduces damage done by 50%...
    10. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      I have read your reply and you said that you are open to suggestions for component names. I don't know if I am the only one in this, but I think names like "Parsen Storage Node, Nocx Storage Node" are quite... meaningless? Obviously it's high-tech futuristic stuff, but perhaps it would be...
    11. Inspired2150

      Feedupyourbeast StarMade Server!

      You used my salvager! How could you?! Jokes aside, that's a good server. I wish it had more pirates, though.
    12. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      That combination of words is funny and sad at the same time. :)
    13. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      Granted, however, one should distinguish necessary complexity from the utter impossibility of producing certain objects effectively. I have given the Bobby AI example previously, which I think is a perfect embodiment of the faults within the current production system. I think the crafting system...
    14. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      Yup, it is currently a massive issue when crafting anything. Everything needs to be made manually. I think a seperator block isnt even necessary - you can simply prevent factories from pulling more resources than is needed to craft one item at a time. At the moment if a factory is set to produce...
    15. Inspired2150

      Rounded Shield

      I would like this type of shield for one simple reason - Turrets. I despise large turrets, so this will be a perfect solution, here's why: 1) You will no longer need to stack shields on your turrets 2) You will no longer need to put power blocks on your turrets to feed their shields. And...
    16. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      I was thinking about adding "jk rock isn't" line there somewhere, but maybe some people enjoy the smell of paint, so I contained myself :))
    17. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      It's simple, really. When mining an asteroid you get 3 types of important materials: 1)Ore 2)Shards 3)Rock You can refine all 3 materials in the Pink refinery (capsule refinery or something) and obtain 3 kinds of capsules: Capsules obtained from Ore are used to make metal meshes* Capsules...
    18. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      One more interesting observation about the current crafting system. From one Cinnabar asteroid on average you obtain the following: 50 Zercancer Ore Raw 23 Varat Shard Raw 8346 Cinnabar Raw 540 Lava = 500 Zercaner Capsule 230 Varat Capsule = 41 metal mesh 19 Crystal circuit = 6 metal...
    19. Inspired2150

      New crafting system discussion

      Well, the problem is that not only mesh is a repeated ingredient in the recipe, so are Parsen capsules, PArstun capsules, Crystal circuits (even worse than meshes). It doesn't even matter if I make two or more parallel factory chains, they will still end up in the last factory that needs them...
    20. Inspired2150

      FULL crafting tree image/images..

      Thank you Kupu. :)