Search results

    1. M

      can you change your max credits on sandbox mode?

      At some point (thousands of sectors out, not even millions) sectors start to be in the same location, so you could be in several sectors at the same time (they overlap, it's weird) (more info: they...
    2. M

      can you change your max credits on sandbox mode?

      fairly sure the starmade universe isn't unlmited either, if you go far enough out weird stuff starts happening
    3. M

      Login Error Since Newest Update!

      Fairly sure i already asked him to do the correct case once or twice, hence the suggestion to contact staff
    4. M

      Site blueprint categories

      tags would be good!
    5. M

      Login Error Since Newest Update!

      Send a pm to the web staff, they might have to manually look into your account. Maybe it didn't migrate correctly?
    6. M

      Launcher News

      Since schema did actually make an aditional news post on the old website (after this one went live) i think it was supposed to work, but didn't
    7. M

      Starmade Wrapper - A starmade server management tool

      schema has already said he doesn't want to open up the game code, and a modding api will most likely only be after beta/full release
    8. M

      can you change your max credits on sandbox mode?

      thats because if you try to put a number larger then roughly 2.14 billion in a signed 32-bit int it will start spitting out semi random numbers, numbers the game might not expect/be able to handle
    9. M

      Login Error Since Newest Update!

      alright, great to hear that. I agree with you, trying to doubleshoot problems is a bitch when the error messages either don't give any information, or are three sentences long while holding barely any information
    10. M

      Welcome to StarMade, here is what you need to know!

      more information is sort of needed to help us help you fix it, i also don't think this is the right place to put this...
    11. M

      Login Error Since Newest Update!

      Re-enter your login information (with the correct upper and lower cases), try pressing the "delete saved login" button and then re-enter your info
    12. M

      Site blueprint categories

      I was taking a look at the available blueprints on the site, and already there are 3 pages of completely randomly sorted ships. I think it would be nice to have some sort of category system based on for instance block count (so you can search for fighters for example) EDIT: even having a...
    13. M

      Starmade Wrapper - A starmade server management tool

      Lol stronger hulls :p, in the last update schema reduced the max block health to increase the amount of possible block rotations so you can't have hulls that have more health then hardened hull now. (you can techically increase armor value, but that's pretty limited and has other flaws)
    14. M

      Bugged Turrets Alignment

      You can stop the turrets by glitching out if you exit them while not in build mode. If you do leave the turrets while you are in buildmode they will probably glitch out, but if you don't the should be fine
    15. M

      can you change your max credits on sandbox mode?

      it's not the max number java can take, it's the max value on a 32 bit signed integer. (2.14 billion) there are also things like 64 bit integers, which would be able to hold values up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (signed) and if you really NEED more numbers, there is even stuff like a big...
    16. M

      Starmade Wrapper - A starmade server management tool

      So texture packs + a custom xml file
    17. M

      Starmade Wrapper - A starmade server management tool

      i would not call a texture pack a mod... but okay.
    18. M

      How can I change the default texture pack?

      No problem :)
    19. M

      Starmade Wrapper - A starmade server management tool

      Then what is supposed to go under "mods"? since you are not allowed to decompile/deobfuscate/edit the starmade source code every "mod"/enhancement will be technically "third party software".
    20. M

      The Rebel Alliance (We Have Warp Gates)

      Happens several times a day sometimes, it's just that lots of people like leaving junk and ships around spawn, and since it's protected not many people clean it up (also the fact that we give out 3 free cores a day does not encourage players to clean the spawn)