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    1. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      This is quite true. I decided to load up an old ship i made a long time ago and abandoned because its just...ugly and was built more for what i wanted at the time, a huge terran like battleship. This update makes the big railgun i put on actually able to fire without turning my ship into a...
    2. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      Just noticed something else: Along with not being able to remove blocks while building if your inventory is over weight, you can also not move blocks from storage to storage if it would put your inventory over weight. Im trying to move all my blocks from the 20 or so different storage...
    3. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      I noticed that on my reread through, i just didnt think it was the case currently in game because i couldnt remove blocks while in build mode with an over encumbered character(unless there is a max limit to being encumbered). My config file states it is off, which is as it should be! Do note, i...
    4. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      Not that i see, but ill just build a cargo hold and see how badly it slows my ship down! im carrying around *alot* of two types of armor, so it wont surprise me to much if my ship slows to a crawl, which is fine. Config options are also turned off by default so thats a good thing too! edit...
    5. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      Trying to build, and it says i cant remove blocks because my inventory is full(its over weight, i have 10 empty slots) Edit: problems been solved though, thanks Quantum!
    6. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      As i said, the way the devs have worded their comments here indicates that you need a space station to do so and it only works on space stations, because shipyards are for ship building, if it isnt the case, they need to do make this information clear at the outset. i do not enjoy having to go...
    7. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      From the way they have it worded, the personal cargo is only for things that the shipyard isnt for, which would be ship building. Shipyards cant build space stations, or planetary stations, or asteroid stations, and how this is worded. It doesnt work for space ships, at least it reads that way...
    8. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      Thats my point. I would have much preferred a stack system like minecraft instead of a weight system like we have now, much higher numbers of course. You can still only carry around a max number of blocks, but you arent limited by weight, and it doesnt affect your ships ability to move. Edit...
    9. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      I dunno, this is one thing about the new patch i do enjoy(complaints are above), all my ships are small(biggest is 220 meters long, but i dont use it anymore since it has way to many things i need to redo to make it even viable...) i dont see the problem with a higher power cap, could you(and...
    10. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      No, i think ill just go back a version so that i can finish my ship off. So i can do what i want to do in the order i want to do it. Ship first, Space station second. Edit: this has completely ruined any plans to get my brother back into the game, he loves roaming around and building as he...
    11. Deserea

      StarMade v0.19519 Cargo & more

      Shame that i cant build anymore though without a shipyard, and without creative mode...kinda annoying really, cant delete blocks because my inventory is full. -_- I am not yet ready to build a shipyard in my game, im still roaming and gathering materials to make the massive amount of armor for...
    12. Deserea

      Turret Tribulations

      That...i dont even know what to say xD Well, heres the turrets in question that i talked about yesterday, *and* a screenshot of what the behavior they are displaying. Note: the third screenshot is an entirely empty sector of space with an isanth i spawned in. Default sitting position...
    13. Deserea

      Turret Tribulations

      Ive been doing as you suggested actually, and working on the turrets, ill post the latest version today, when im done, these ones for my first ship reaching over 200 meters long. they *should* be alot better, theoretically, once i get everything worked out, and after a little work i figured out...
    14. Deserea

      Turret Tribulations

      So many corrections xD So the spring classes turrets are the "proper" way to build then? (alignment wise) if so ill get around to rebuilding those turrets right away. As for the base of the turrets being constricting i know, these are older turrets(well not the base) but the "spring heavy...
    15. Deserea

      Turret Tribulations

      Thats what i do as well, after building a turret backwards once *shudders* that was horrible, heres the turrets themselves if you want to see them. Ive already tried exiting the game and starting back up for the base AI(dont ask why, but whenever i make a turret i *have* to exit the game to get...
    16. Deserea

      Turret Tribulations

      Im kinda having my own trouble with turrets....the weapons work fine,i know because i sat there and fired them endlessly for a long time. The turrets are simple really: Cannon, Cannon Slave, Piercing module. Really just meant to get rid of isanths quickly when they come after my station...
    17. Deserea

      Would anyone know?

      Hm ill give that a try, hopefully that works! Well, ended up just duplicating the blueprint folder i was using for the MK II and threw the MK1s SMD2 file in there to replace the MK2s SMD2 file, worked fine!
    18. Deserea

      Would anyone know?

      Would anyone know how to pull a ship that never got saved as a blueprint into a newer game? one of my worlds got corrupted and im trying to get all the ships, of this type ive made for a comparison of size and such, well, i never saved the first ship, the MK1. I have the MK II, but i need the...
    19. Deserea

      How Many Enhancers Do I Freaking Need?

      Thats what i thought too. Ive never needed to put mass enhancers on a turret barrel to get the turret itself to rotate so long as the base(Ship/station) had enough to allow the turret to rotate freely, the barrel could too.
    20. Deserea

      Turret slowdown issue

      Ive had this happening on my client before this patch, i thought it was just lag on my end to be honest, but, maybe it wasnt.