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    1. Malacodor

      Recognized Better Player Character

      I see I shouldn't mess with you. ;)
    2. Malacodor

      Recognized Better Player Character

      Are you making that up or do you have hard numbers?
    3. Malacodor

      Recognized Better Player Character

      Maybe that's how laser guns actually work?
    4. Malacodor

      Recognized Better Player Character

      "Laser" guns shoot projectiles like cannons, and real lasers do have recoil due to momentum conservation.
    5. Malacodor

      Recognized Shared Power Setting

      How about this?
    6. Malacodor

      Why do you build big ships?

      Let's just hope the breaking off mechanics never makes it to the vanilla game.
    7. Malacodor

      Recognized New Wedge/Corner Block

      What you want is a half corner. It would only be needed in very low numbers, but it's really hard to make places like in your image look good without them. They should definitely be implemented if there are enough IDs left.
    8. Malacodor

      Bug Banned from playing singleplayer

      Sorry, couldn't resist.
    9. Malacodor

      Brainstorm This Adding some excitement to combat - Small Ships - DOT Weapons - Hacking and more!

      Why? There's no water or air resistance in space.
    10. Malacodor

      Why do you build big ships?

      I make heavy use of round shapes, and these simply don't look round on small ships.
    11. Malacodor

      when fleet controls arrive i have a request...

      Shouldn't be a big deal to make the AI remember their ship and docking block, fly in range and shot a docking beam at it.
    12. Malacodor

      when fleet controls arrive i have a request...

      You don't need disposable drone racks, you can replace drones with shipyard repair?
    13. Malacodor

      Self Powered Turrets or Not?

      When I last tested it the power failure bug went down the complete docking chain, but it's been a while.
    14. Malacodor

      Self Powered Turrets or Not?

      Are you sure that's a bug, link maybe?
    15. Malacodor

      Self Powered Turrets or Not?

      This bug isn't fixed, yet.
    16. Malacodor

      Read by Council Destruction of damaged undocked entities

      Or do a check if the undocked entity could move in any of the coordinate directions, and if not just leave it in the main ship's reference frame (like a space bar aligned astronaut) and don't do any collision checks. Repeat after more blocks are destroyed. If it CAN move, but still gets stuck...
    17. Malacodor

      Read by Council Cannon spread.

      I'm against a general cannon spread, especially for sniper cannons. Hitting a target is hard enough with only one shot per second. But I'd like to have it for cannon/cannon.
    18. Malacodor

      A Question About Rails

      Yep, they do. 25 per enhancer if the wiki is correct.
    19. Malacodor

      Block IDs vs. Shape/Material/Colour field

      I guess it would be more economic to use a possible additional byte entirely for more IDs since most blocks wouldn't use the color field anyway. With 8 more bits we'd get 1 million IDs.
    20. Malacodor

      Block IDs vs. Shape/Material/Colour field

      +5 bits for orientation and 8 bits for damage. That's already more than the 3 bytes currently available per block. And 5 bits for material isn't enough, think about all the weapons, effects, decorative blocks, logic, plants, etc.