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    1. Malacodor

      DGS Spacefactory

      Nope, unfortunately that's a feature.
    2. Malacodor

      I cant run Starmade

      Have you already tried to completely reinstall the game?
    3. Malacodor

      "ai master control block"

      I don't think we need an additional block for that, rather a GUI improvement.
    4. Malacodor

      Chain-docked turrets spazzing out?

      I think the problem is that the two barrels (child turrets) try to to aim at different targets.
    5. Malacodor

      Build helper chat commands

      How about an admin command that actually places the blocks instead of creating a white frame overkill?
    6. Malacodor

      Another logic help request: Door open-delay-close

      Orange = off (default), blue = on Since NOT gates currently start in off state the circuit I suggested won't work properly for the first time, just try again. Hit 'C' while looking at the button block, it should get an orange frame. Then look at the flip-flop block and hit 'V', it should get a...
    7. Malacodor

      Another logic help request: Door open-delay-close

      Button -> Flip-Flop -> 20 Delays -> back to the Flip-Flop Also link the Flip-Flop to a NOT gate and the NOT gate to your door.
    8. Malacodor

      Having Problems With Rails

      Sounds like this bug.
    9. Malacodor

      Allow Replace Command to Mirror Blocks

      Advanced build mode needs an overhaul.
    10. Malacodor

      Easier copy/paste box placement (and more)

      Added mirror option for paste mode (for cases when it's too late to use mirror planes).
    11. Malacodor

      DGS Spacefactory

      Thank you, my combat ships won't have legs, though.
    12. Malacodor

      Docking Standard Proposal: microUSD

      You have my support. My Mining Vessel is already microUSD (and normal USD) compatible.
    13. Malacodor

      Introducing... USD type 1 *updated*

      Can we please have a sticky?
    14. Malacodor

      Brainstorm This Perfect turning system - no half-assed solution

      Maybe it's just me, but I find your system harder to understand than "like in real life".
    15. Malacodor

      New logic: activater / deactivater

      Only activating gravity works with a flip-flop.
    16. Malacodor

      New logic: activater / deactivater

      This can be done easily with a few of the existing logic blocks as explained here under 1) and 2).
    17. Malacodor

      How to make ships using blender and Smedit?

      You can use binvox to convert a 3D file into a voxel object. Then you can either use viewvox (from the same site) to build it manually or export it as a schematic file, which can be imported by SMEdit. But you'll probably need a very old version of StarMade that is compatible with SMEdit.
    18. Malacodor

      Charon 2.0 - A WIP super titan [Update 5 : new medium turret]

      Are you aware that powersupply beams are currently bugged and consume too much power?