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    1. aceface

      About Pi

      Do you like 3.14?
    2. aceface

      Atra (Late to the party) Q&A thread

      What's your favourite thing to do in starmade?
    3. aceface

      CR vs TE vs TM

      yeah it was like trying to hit a fly with a toothbrush.:p
    4. aceface

      NP Cobalt Royalty [EVE themed PVP faction]

      NEWS Cobalt Royalty is now allied to Zoom corp after doing some trading. Zoom corp was so kind to allow CR have their own private facility at their homebase, which is be constructed.
    5. aceface

      NP Cobalt Royalty [EVE themed PVP faction]

      The new Bulldog class fighter proved to be effective as a drone.
    6. aceface

      CR vs TE vs TM

    7. aceface

      Cobalt Naval Shipyards (CNS)

      A little video showcasing the main ships.
    8. aceface

      A question about upcoming shipyards

      best idea evar.
    9. aceface


    10. aceface

      Can this game be "Played" actually?

      I myself get passed off how the Ai occasionally snipes me without seeing anythin
    11. aceface

      Is there a reason to make a non-homebased station?

      Actually i have many times gone through a warp gate on a planet with no problem, i just thrusted upwards.
    12. aceface

      Is there a reason to make a non-homebased station?

      you could do the same with a planet.
    13. aceface

      Bradock's Brigade shipyards

      awwwww yiiiiiiiis that's what i'm talking about.
    14. aceface

      Is there a reason to make a non-homebased station?

      Serious question. Is there? I see no reason besides from it being "cool" for some people to claim a system via a station over a planet.
    15. aceface

      hi koji!

      hi koji!
    16. aceface


    17. aceface


    18. aceface

      Starmade Council forum game

      1. Megacrafter127 2. Comr4de 3. MrFURB 4. Tomino_sama 5. gravypod 6. Dalmont 7. SkylordLuke
    19. aceface

      Suggestion Ability to change thread title

      Actually you can. Go in thread tools in the top right and change title.
    20. aceface

      Remove stars from procedural background

      yeah i really get annoyed how there are a lot of these random snow flakes in the procedural background which are not actually real stars.