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    1. S

      Hey, I'm back!

      The one you made? Or the real one?
    2. S

      Rejected Launch Star made's community into space, replace everyone with clones of me

      Seems like a good idea. Let's do it!
    3. S

      Hey, I'm back!

      That's not the point. The point is he made an analog of the confederate states of America to do it.
    4. S


      I see you must make your words red to get your point across. Very well. Running on gold = item the game's economy revolves around. Making it so you'd have to supply each of your shipyards with enough gold to run and have enough money to buy some.
    5. S

      Hey, I'm back!

      He made a thread called the confederacy of independent factions or something. He justified it by saying he was fighting for the rights of smaller factions "which is what the original confederate states did." I couldn't find it on the oldsite. But I know he posted it.
    6. S

      Hey, I'm back!

      Isn't it bad enough he made an analog of the confederacy? Shouldn't that be enough to condemn him? In terms of asshattery, that is way higher up the list than any faction politics.
    7. S

      Consumables! yes, even the alcoholic kind!

      I disagree, it is micromanaging and anything that adds some sort of constraint to gameplay is generally disliked by the community. -1
    8. S

      Hey, I'm back!

      So... you did make that faction?
    9. S

      Hey, I'm back!

      You're the guy who made an analog of the confederacy, right? Go away.
    10. S

      Recognized Make ship's weapons not go through the ship

      You forget the suggestion would be probably config editable anyways.
    11. S


      "And the industrial a shipyard. Except shipyards require the blocks." I suggested that the industrial one require a fully filled blueprint. Yes, it is basically a shipyard, but runs on gold and looks way cooler. Also fits the game's implied level of technology.
    12. S


      Try again. You are still missing a piece.
    13. S

      Recognized Make ship's weapons not go through the ship

      Aesthetics? Realism? Makes sense?
    14. S


      You failed to read the entire suggestion.
    15. S

      Recognized Make ship's weapons not go through the ship

      Realism? Aesthetics? The suggestion was making it so projectiles don't go through blocks. if it's such a minor inconvenience, then why not?
    16. S

      Recognized Make ship's weapons not go through the ship

      Doesn't that support the suggestion?
    17. S

      Recognized Make ship's weapons not go through the ship

      The main arguments to it are people who don't want to rebuild their ships. That is an annoying and frustrating argument. It's not pointless, it is just a design constraint. It should be a config option, in any case.
    18. S

      Shields and turrets

      There hasn't been a major naval battle in 70 years. No one really knows how it would work out.
    19. S

      Recognized Make ship's weapons not go through the ship

      I totally agree with this thread. The main opponents are shipbuilders who don't want to rebuild their ships, which is dumb because they'll probably have to rebuild everything anyways.
    20. S


      Hello everyone. I am sure this has been suggested before, but I would like to put my own spin on it. My suggestion is one that touches on shipyards and fuel, along with a new way to manufacture items. Fuel seems to be liked by many because it provides a material for the game's economy to...