Search results

    1. Brain_Dawgs

      How can I effectively add to game memory?

      My game crashed from lack of memory when I tried loading a large ship, so I attempted to increase game memory (from the launcher). However, when I change any of the numbers the game won't start when I click ok, it just shuts down. How can I get this thing to work?
    2. Brain_Dawgs

      Question about attack drones

      Yea but it would still be cool to recall surviving fighters to your ship. Plus who wants to be a litter bug? :P
    3. Brain_Dawgs

      Question about attack drones

      So essentially drones are disposable.
    4. Brain_Dawgs

      Question about attack drones

      I have heard about the concept of miniature spaceships that detach from the main ship to attack enemies. I was wondering, how exactly does that work, and could those drone reattach themselves to the mothership on command?
    5. Brain_Dawgs

      Enterprise B Enhanced - Version 1.1

      It's the same as before, but I added a gravity lift in the tunnel between shuttle-bays.
    6. Brain_Dawgs

      Enterprise B Enhanced 2014-12-21

      Here is Seventh Durandal's Enterprise B variant of the Excelsior. I just added more shields, power,and jump drive. I also balanced the thrust and weapons with the power supply and gave the ship overdrive capacity so she can fly at 100.
    7. Brain_Dawgs

      I can't link my starmade account with Steam

      Ok that did it, thanks! Yea the steam launcher doesn't seem to work. I guess I'll just stick with my old desktop shortcut for now.
    8. Brain_Dawgs

      I can't link my starmade account with Steam

      I have been trying to use the link: But it keeps saying that it couldn't find a purchased copy of starmade on my account. How do I use this steam key?
    9. Brain_Dawgs

      Stuttering Sound Effects

      Ok it's fixed now. The problem was that I didn't do this thing: The sound is fixed for the first time in months. I just hope that altering those files won't result in unforeseen consequences.
    10. Brain_Dawgs

      Stuttering Sound Effects

      How did you fiex it? ;)
    11. Brain_Dawgs

      Stuttering Sound Effects

      Well I just tried this and I came up with partial results. The ambient sound of space doesn't glitch out, but the button sounds do. P.S. The glitch still occurs if I'm wearing a headset or not.
    12. Brain_Dawgs

      Blocks should be rotatable

      I have noticed that you can't rotate a block of dirt, or any blocks with a pattern for that matter. Right now I'm trying to make a ship with a garden, but the surface of the ship is on a right angle. I can't use grass blocks since they can only be placed in the up position, so it won't look right.
    13. Brain_Dawgs

      Can the build helper be used for large objects?

      I'm trying to use the build helper to make a large object, but the helper freezes up when calculating the shape. If I intended to make a dome larger than the 256 blocks in diameter, would it be viable with the build helper, or is it simply too weak to handle such a size? If it can be done...
    14. Brain_Dawgs

      Stuttering Sound Effects

      I don't use a sound card. My motherboard takes care of my sound. (Its a Z77 Extreme4)
    15. Brain_Dawgs

      Travel between galaxies

      I have embarked on a flight to find a neighboring galaxy. However I have come to understand that I may have to traverse over a thousand sectors before I reach the next one. This could take a really long time even using admin warping. Is there an easier way to cross the expanse, is the flight...
    16. Brain_Dawgs

      How do I properly tweak memory settings?

      I have been trying to increase my game memory in the launcher options, but I keep running into problems. Right now they are set to: Maximal Memory: 2048 Initial Memory: 1024 Early Generation Memory: 256 When I try to start the game nothing happens. It seems like any modification to the...
    17. Brain_Dawgs

      Stuttering Sound Effects

      I just got the new version of starmade and the glitch seems to be gone Edit:Never mind it's still there. I have the latest version of Java and I have no idea how to check if my sound drivers are up to date. I wouldn't even know if my sound drivers are even the problem.
    18. Brain_Dawgs

      Stuttering Sound Effects

      For a long while now my game has been plagued by a bug that causes the sounds to stutter and repeat themselves for a long while. I have tried repair-downloading the game twice. but the bug won't go away. How can this be fixed?
    19. Brain_Dawgs

      [Update 9] 1:1 USS Vengeance [Star Trek Into Darkness]

      I have been following this beauty for a while now and I must say this is the best ship I've seen. I greatly look forward to exploring this beast (and flying it).
    20. Brain_Dawgs

      Copyingine large objects

      That did the trick, thanks! That little hurtle hindered my ship building for the longest time.