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    1. TheKingOfSpace

      New Power Storage block

      Power-supply beams? Rail-power-share doesn't recharge ships as it is, anyhow.
    2. TheKingOfSpace

      New Power Storage block

      Had an idea for a new Power Storage block: the Battery. TL;DR: stores a ton of power separate from Capacitors, but only a fraction of it can be used at once. Batteries would be a new type of power storage - they could store absolutely huge amounts of power relative to the standard Power...
    3. TheKingOfSpace

      CX-9 'Sparrow' - Personal Long Range Transport - Non-corrupted version

      previous blueprint was corrupted, please use this one
    4. TheKingOfSpace

      Rotary Cannon prototype 2015-06-22

      got a relatively compact ring counter that seems to be fairly lag-proof, so I made a rotary-gatling-gun-thingy
    5. TheKingOfSpace

      CX-9 'Sparrow' - Personal Long Range Transport 2015-06-23

      This little 2-man jumpship is designed for speed - it's three (relatively) large engine pods produce plenty of thrust during sublight travel, and provide quick acceleration to warp speeds. It's wing pods give additional stability in atmospheric and hypermatter flight, and fold to allow for...
    6. TheKingOfSpace

      Activation Beam

      This'd be even more useful now; like wireless logic but it'd make rail stuff that needs to be aligned in some way easier and more reliable.
    7. TheKingOfSpace

      AI Ship Remote

      Basically, Inner Ship Remote for AI. AI will turn this on when trying to fire at a target, then off when it's done firing at it. Use to make your schmancy Gatling turrets, giant rail boxing gloves, etc.
    8. TheKingOfSpace

      Blueprint - Fill From Shop

      Button on the blueprint menu that un-greys when a shop is available. Click it, and you'll get a menu showing how much it'll cost to buy out as much of that shop's stuff as it can/needs to. Confirm that and it'll auto-purchase as much as it can/needs to in order to fill the blueprint, so you...
    9. TheKingOfSpace

      Javelin-D Long Range Scout Ship - Update 2: Update Harder

      Updated for HP system! Less shielding, but faster jump (class 9) Only Blue/White for now.
    10. TheKingOfSpace

      Random Starting Gear

      Allow server admins to define multiple starting gear sets, then have the server randomly choose one of them for each player. This could be used, for example, to give the player a random starting ship.
    11. TheKingOfSpace

      Storage Pull: Add By Shop Category

      Button on storage cubes that adds pulls by shop category. seriously why don't we have this yet storage pulls hurt my fingers
    12. TheKingOfSpace

      Simple Discovery/Scouting Missions

      Shop NPC's hand out mini-quests that consist of you going to an undiscovered station, scanning it, then going back. You get a credit award based on how far the journey was.
    13. TheKingOfSpace

      Brainstorm This New Power Block

      I'd like to seem them fueled, too.
    14. TheKingOfSpace

      Tau-Class Utility Shuttle/Light Scout 2015-06-11

      A large, long-range utility shuttle for transport, scouting and light freight duty. Seats 10 passengers plus two crew. This particular model has a socket for a standard-size cargo pod (included). Was made in the dev build, so some things may not work and the hotbar may be wonky...
    15. TheKingOfSpace

      Navigation Presets

      Also a good idea.
    16. TheKingOfSpace

      Make tab + f6 only availale to admins

      Problem is, tab+f6 is used to un-fux the game :p
    17. TheKingOfSpace

      Jump Drive Calculator and Classificator

      Just fill in all the things and then press enter or tab. Make sure everything's filled in and your browser has JavaScript enabled.
    18. TheKingOfSpace

      Jump Drive Calculator and Classificator

      The class number is the charge time minus the time the jump tunnel effect lasts (about 4 seconds). During the jump-tunnel effect, any jump you fire is wasted, the class number thus represents roughly the amount of time spent between jumps - admittedly, I had long-range-jumpers in mind for this...
    19. TheKingOfSpace

      Jump Drive Calculator and Classificator

      Are Are you sure you entered all values correctly? Every time I've used it the usage/s value was identical to the one listed in the game's menus. Actually, that's the first input; I was sleepy and forgot to note that it's total JUMP blocks, not total SHIP blocks. Fixing now.
    20. TheKingOfSpace

      'Guppy' Exploration Ship - Rail update

      Rail-ized fin turrets Removed beam turrets as they aren't as interesting or useful as they were pre-beam-update removed now-useless overdrive added more ion modules decorated a bit