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    1. psteiner

      Yada corperations

      Named after a fiery lizard, it well deserves its name, bealching fire from 6 seperete AMC\'s and a missle battery. The HSS Salamander is well suited for a viarity of missions, including but not limited to, recon, scouting, exploration, small to medium firefights, and light to moderate...
    2. psteiner

      Yada corperations

      The HSS Butterfly is a small and weak fighter that contains one pilet (hopefully expendable), and is primarially used for recon and scouting related missions. You can download it here: Pics:
    3. psteiner

      Yada corperations

      Hello, we are a small ship building facility stationed in the US that would like to offer you some of the ships that we have designed, built, and tested over the past month or so. Please feel free to take a quick peak at our latest merchendise. An interesting astroid I found in single player:
    4. psteiner

      Turrent orientation

      Well, I tried to dock a turrent on a turrent docking block that was upsidedown, and the turrent was rotated the wrong way. As in it was right side up on an upsidedown turrent block.
    5. psteiner

      spherical docking area

      As I detailed before, that makes the hole too big for all intents and purposes. Its like trying to fit a circle through a hole, loads of wasted space. Besides, it would be nice if they could include this in the final version. Its insignificant, I know, but I just wanted to get it out there.
    6. psteiner

      spherical docking area

      Now I dn't know what you guys think about this, but I latly tried to make a large ship with a huge ball turrent in the center. I wasted alot of space just trying to make it fit, and it looked out of place later on. Anyways, what I'm suggesting are multiple types of docking blocks, cubicle and...
    7. psteiner


      However itn will cause some problems. First, people would ask for different colors? do they have mass? are they collidable? Can things be attached onto the sides? are they flexable? can they be broken via collision shock? Can they be shot apart? Yes there are alot of problems with...
    8. psteiner

      Docked Turrets and Ships Cloaked/Jammed?

      Yes, they do cloak and jam, and fullily elough, they remian cloaked while fireing