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    1. Comr4de

      the first steps with starmade

      Comr4de presents - "The Oldest Fag"
    2. Comr4de

      Ultimate Sniper Cannon Design

      Plus, punch through already has a secondary bonus damage affect (it increases the base damage of the projectile) so it's my personal favorite.
    3. Comr4de

      Game won't load after Launcher

      Whoops, missed that. I've been having this issue for months now.
    4. Comr4de

      Game won't load after Launcher

      @Wrexin @Jananton Are y'all on macs? @AndyP
    5. Comr4de

      NASS Style Server Scripts
    6. Comr4de

      Borg HUD

      Ok, thanks. I assumed that the photos present now were the same as the ones when you made that post.
    7. Comr4de

      Static texturepack

    8. Comr4de

      Countering the Death Cube

      well yeah but it's tedious.
    9. Comr4de

      I don't want to see "show ignored content"

      this; OP is being a babby. You've already blocked their content; for all you know that content is something vital to the discussion in that thread. If you ignore it completely like you suggest you're risking missing important context.
    10. Comr4de

      Countering the Death Cube

      Starfleet. But seriously; Death cubes are notoriously bad at turning. 3+ players attacking from multiple vectors can hold their own against a death cube. Unfortunately, you'll never be able to solo a cube. So make friends, and team up with them to take one down.
    11. Comr4de

      Static texturepack

      I'm pretty sure Kupu said a while back that they do in fact have an effect on FPS but it's really small.
    12. Comr4de

      Borg HUD

      What? How so? Both works are far different from one another. If there's something I'm missing here you're going to have to point it out to me. So far all I see is you bullying him into removing the download.
    13. Comr4de

      Arstotzkan Federation - Lord Kek wills it.

      It doesn't matter because I'm not publicly recruiting people. I like to keep it small enough so that I know who everyone is.
    14. Comr4de

      Arstotzkan Federation - Lord Kek wills it.

      Third. ;_; But we actually have some momentum going this time around or I wouldn't have made the thread. We've been going for about a week and a half now so I figured I might as well. More information coming tonight.
    15. Comr4de

      Why elwyneternity needs a reset...

      mmmmmm nah
    16. Comr4de

      Why elwyneternity needs a reset...

      Haven't played on it in a while, my apologies.
    17. Comr4de

      Arstotzkan Federation - Lord Kek wills it.

    18. Comr4de

      Why elwyneternity needs a reset...

      Maybe it's because you imbeciles are using ridiculously massive ships :eek:
    19. Comr4de

      "Secret" Spoiler alert!