Heres what i have done so far
I have a battleship in the works
its lenth is 900 meters
Width 53 meters
Height 53 meters
Have laid down 29,966 blocks all orange so its easy to find before i lay down the armor
I have modified isanths and us air force F15s patroling for pirates i figured out...
Lol i made it a tad too sticky most of my threads i like to build it up instead drawing it down
This is Off the record i like to just blow shit up and build some cool builds i like to be meticulous in what i build and have a strategy
I got the game working big thanks to the star made community i will definatly recommend this game to my friends my 100$ computer can run this game like a 600$ champion
I tried testing a small turret on a station but didnt work for some reason i did a box design to test bed some stuff and it wouldnt fire does the same apply to weapon effects or does that need to be applied within the turret i have some ideas on what i want my capital ship to have on the turrets...
Is there any way to have ship power go to the turrets so they dont need to be powered with their own reactors or is that needed because i want to make a anti capital ship capable turret and make it as deadly as possible and not be bogged down with reactors hitting the ship
I figured out i had a 64 bit jave though it was last years and the memory wasnt allowcated enough thank you skylord and andy p cant wait to start work on my battleship again im hoping it can be up to par with some of the beasties i have seen on youtube
The launcher works perfectly fine but once i hit start it wont go past synchronizing what could i be doing wrong
Max memory is set at 1025 mg
Intial is set at 226
Minimum 160
Resolution set at 1360x768
Anti aliasing samples 1
Bloom off
Normal/emissivem/specular mapping Off
Vbo bulkmode size...
To answer that question i was looking for a very tactical look into everything you do i most times you will have a very large unused pool of power that seems pretty endless with no other use for it so i was thinking put it to use for firepower, shields or thrust so that each ship you build you...
After some thought i agree that the slide bar would be a good idea to have included with the manual type it in for a more accurate reading instead of having to fiddle with the bar
(This is off the record i spend more time trying to get an accurate number im after with slide bars)
As long as...
Its very much a work in progress i generally like debates on my threads because it allows more ideas to flow on the subject
I like the idea with the more power you put into the system the better it gets
Weapons like cannons i wanted to be very flexible and work well for fighters you would...
You were almost there i was thinking use the cannon computer to access a menu section for that power feed for that particular weapon to type in the power usage if you use the minimum power with an abundance of energy you get faster but weaker shots then you would if you used just enough to keep...
This is a thought i have been thinking of how to best use of power as it is now its about who has the better set up while power is important i believe its importances on everything and the need to balance it in your ship to allow for
Weapons (firepower, rate of fire)
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