Search results

    1. MisterVec

      TilboTec Shipwrights

      The site he uses to host his screenshots turns the black layer of his ships transparent. If you were to copy past the images into paint, the white background turns black.
    2. MisterVec

      TilboTec Shipwrights

      Five by Five! Welcome, TilboTec, and good luck on your shipwrighting!
    3. MisterVec


      It\'\'s TOO pretty. I\'m scared.
    4. MisterVec

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      have we seen a ship with such a flaky, buttery crust. This ship is only one tragic collision with a coffeetanium tanker away from deliciousness.
    5. MisterVec

      Apoapsis Fleetworks

      We\'re always happy to meet yet another fine member of the ship building community. Especially when their work is always so much better than our own. Always. But we don\'t cry! Much.
    6. MisterVec

      Vecordean Fleetworks

      Due to lack of any meaningful oversight, the processes by which our ships are constructed have already poisoned several worlds so badly, that only the Ur-Things can grow upon them. In that sense, even something as lowly as a bottle of VFW-branded Mating Spray has been indirectly responsible for...
    7. MisterVec

      MisterVec's Super-Easy FTL Drive

      The point is to make it so that it\'s not a reliable way to get out of a fight. If you can up the efficiency or reduce your countdown, then what\'s the point? Someone can just slap on enough enahncers to but out immediately, which isn\'t fun in a multiplayer game, I think.
    8. MisterVec

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      Just a reminder, the contest ends Sunday night/Monday morning!
    9. MisterVec

      Vecordean Fleetworks

      My AI program has been suspended quite a bit lately and for that I would like to apologize to our beloved customers and filthy, filthy competitors! Our engineers have apparently built an enormous oven to assist our accountant drones with \"cooking the books\" and this requires a lot of CPU...
    10. MisterVec

      MisterVec's Super-Easy FTL Drive

      Well, if it works out, i see no reason not to have a percentile role for planet crash-landings or having a pirate fleet spawn nearby and start attacking.
    11. MisterVec

      MisterVec's Super-Easy FTL Drive

      The game engine doesn\'t spawn new entities inside of existing entities. A bit of a tweak may be required with the spawning algorthim that checks to see if a planet entity is present in the sector and, if so, moves the spawn location for the warping vessel to a point outside of the planet\'s...
    12. MisterVec

      Direct Navigation

      The game engine only roughly calculates the direction of objects outside of the current sector, which is why they seem to change positions when entering/leaving the sector they are currently present in. The current sector-by-sector pathfinding algorithm is actually the most efficient one...
    13. MisterVec

      MisterVec's Super-Easy FTL Drive

      If I inteded satire, I would have demanded convoluted, poorly-thought-out systems, and radical engine overhauls. I honestly believe my suggestion is doable with out being too fussy.
    14. MisterVec

      MisterVec's Super-Easy FTL Drive

      Not sure if this has been proposed because I am disinclined to wade through all of the existing topics on this. Here is my simple proposal. It uses existing game mechanics and shouldn't be too hard to implement, I think from a programming perspective. Requirements: An FTL drive block and...
    15. MisterVec

      Tauris Shipyard

      Rather intimidating, wot?
    16. MisterVec

      my StarMade

      The long, thin designs are rather eye-catching without being too busy.
    17. MisterVec

      Triple Diamond Industrial Shipyards

      Growing up my favorite shark was the Thresher for it\'s long, rapier-like tail fin.
    18. MisterVec

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      with bated breath.
    19. MisterVec

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      The VFW Feedback Bureau is staffed by beings genetically predisposed to sullen invective. Admittedly, we do find the new revision to be a bit more pleasing to the eye. What awful creatures we are.