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    1. kiddan

      LOD setting

      hmm, yea I guess technology does get better all the time :p The one I'm most serious about is #3, being able to keep your sight high and see a whole planet but have higher fps than normal would really help people building big things on planets. Especially when they have to find something they...
    2. kiddan

      Some fighting practice in tutorial

      IMO there should be some fighting objectives added onto the tutorial. Maybe after you finish the current tutorial stuff a cage with some quads inside blows open and you have to fend them off so they don't harm anyone. Then a wave of pirates comes and you have to build a ship out of some given...
    3. kiddan

      LOD setting

      Players should be able to change a LOD (level of detail) setting in-game that would affect the following: Making wedges and stuff look like normal blocks from far away (if this actually helps :P) Making colors more basic from further away. Making groups of blocks look like one chunk of blocks...
    4. kiddan

      Decrease Weapons Range

      I love to see people solving problems without asking for patches :D
    5. kiddan

      Autokick Ramming players

      Not the best idea, if you make some cars out of ships on planets wouldn't they warp around funny? And what about my prized gears on my catapult! :eek: I think the best way to prevent people trolling with collisions is to enable collision damage. Just make the force needed to break stuff above...
    6. kiddan

      Kupu's thread

      Yea, I kinda wanted something that doesn't take of so much space though. :confused: But anyways.
    7. kiddan

      Kupu's thread

      Maybe (off topic, might not belong here but anyways but; ) the explosives would open a gui upon interaction that lets you set a detonation time, and start the timer with another button? If logic is connected it will make an instant explosion.
    8. kiddan

      Shield and Power Drain pulses

      Not exactly what I want, but good replacement for now. I want draining effect to power my drones so they can refuel on enemy ships then use more powerful weapons, at a close range.
    9. kiddan

      Shield and Power Drain pulses

      Title pretty much says all. I want pulses that can drain shields and power, would also help people make "hullwalkers" easier with the current AI.
    10. kiddan

      Crystal Armor/Glass Icons

      You also can't really tell grey tetras apart from grey hull blocks (standard hull). If we could get some more drastic lighting on those items I would be very happy :)
    11. kiddan

      new Ai mode Hullwalker

      You can make these with some logic loops on push effects, the ship tries to stay on target so the push effect pushes it onto the ship. Only problem is it will push small enemies away and fly into space without a target, but hey, not many consumables made these days anyways. :P
    12. kiddan

      Should the game have rpg skill elements?

      I think this could work out if you did it like Mech Warrior Online. Buying skills with xp and/or credits.
    13. kiddan

      Planet Ideas

      Yup, on my laptop too :P Awesome technology advancements!:cool:
    14. kiddan

      Minecraft in Space?

      Very well put :) Actually, I made two holes and an axle, then made some ship gears to turn and slam a hammer down on the end of it. Harder than it sounds :/
    15. kiddan

      Minecraft in Space?

      This the planned creatures and stuff I think SM will have more survival factors. Another upside to SM: You can actually make catapults on planets with the EPIC physics.
    16. kiddan

      Planet Eater Support Thread [Poll about upcoming update!]

      Good news bad news. I lost the Planet Eater V2 blueprint (I don't even know how o_O ) so I can't give you guys the next version quite soon. Good news is I thought it wasn't big enough. Time to work on a BIGGER version! :P
    17. kiddan

      Planet Eater Support Thread [Poll about upcoming update!]

      So guys. The poll has ended and I am going to start work on the final update touches. Have a happy New Year!
    18. kiddan

      Happy new year everyone!

      Yes, Happy New year! It would be epic if we got a new HUD at midnight... Hmm. :p
    19. kiddan


      This would be cool. Maybe the block loses 5% of its health every time it bounces, say, a anti-matter shot? Making it less OP
    20. kiddan

      Planet Eater Support Thread [Poll about upcoming update!]

      Poll will end in six days. If you want the update (more like overhaul) to be: updated, have the old on inside, or a separate download you should vote. :)