"Return of the Ribs"... Sounds like some apocalypse title. :p
Really cool ships! Are there going to be downloads at any point in time? Did someone already ask that? Meh, I'm lazy, plz don't hurt m! D=
Not exactly useless, a bigger ship can have bigger weapons and more turrets. Bigger ships are capable of destroying faster, whilst smaller ones destroy easier and can fly faster.
+1 Mate! Simple and cool suggestion, you've got my support. Though like a lot of others said, it would be more balanced with a cool-down and startup time, maybe add it to the original thread? :)
A ship grapple beam could also make warping not the Life-Saver-Every-Time-You-Use-It-2000 :P Provided you could actually fly with the warping ship, you could have some insane battles, maybe even mid-warp ones!
Another thing you could do is make the portholes (or whatever the proper term is, the holes the barrels stick out of :P ) thinner one way or the other, restricting your cannons to only be able to hit parts of enemy ships that your missiles most likely won't hit. ;) Otherwise I don't really have...
One trick you could do is have lock-on missiles on your mothership that shoot in another direction, such as upward, causing them to curve to get the the target. This way your turrets won't destroy your missiles, though sacrificing missiles on your turrets.
Edit: Yea, never mind. Just rotate...
Man, I am really loving this update! I used a Grapple Beam on a pirate ship and it started spinning crazily trying to hit me while I used the Torch Beam to get inside. The other pirates shot the one I was in to pieces allowing me to torch the core and grab all the blocks and move on to the next...
Very strange. If I create a new world I don't get the problem at all, :confused: weird!
Just did some testing, the map is fine until I ride a turret, then when I hold LControl anywhere in the map controlling anything the FPS drops by about 55. This might be the game still testing to see if you...
Got it working! I moved the vertical axis turret dock so that it was on the same horizontal plane as the horizontal axi turret dock and it works fine now. I have no idea what I just did or how it fixed it. xP
And thanks for the help, I learned a trick or two for making my turrets less glitchy! :D
We pretty much got new stuff like rails, a new turret system, more logic blocks, better chat, ship HP and armor, ship mass and center of mass turning, boarding tools, and maybe a bit more. :P
I must be playing a lot more now, I'm realising how much of a noob I really am and need to get more help! xP
So, when I'm flying a ship and hold LControl to roll my FPS drops from 60 to 9. This was with default key bindings. When I was getting annoyed I checked the keys and changed all other...
Think I need to maybe restrict where it can go a bit? It might be getting confused with the wedges that the barrel could hit, but I have no idea how the code works. :P
Note that the AI isn't moving the turret at all. It's like it's turned off.
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