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    1. Edymnion

      Planets or Stations?

      Bah, its usually the sound of ME burning in those when I do that! I always try to build my stations far from the star precisely to avoid accidentally jumping into it myself.
    2. Edymnion

      Anyone Able to Bring Back SMEdit?

      Unfortunately it doesn't let you make ships/stations/etc from imported 3D models. It can help you clean those up, but not actually make them.
    3. Edymnion

      What Do We Want From Planets?

      For some reason, the underlying First Commandment of Starmade appears to be "Thy shalt load all of the things". If you can't interact with 100% of the planet/station/etc from a space ship half a sector away, we can't have it.
    4. Edymnion

      Proceduraly Generated Fauna

      You missed the point. The models are simple and blocky, which means no extra measures need be taken to blend model pieces together. Simply switch pieces out and don't worry about seams or the like, because the simple format means it isn't an issue. Okay, well by that line of reasoning lets...
    5. Edymnion

      New Player - Advice on Scale

      Yup, because the turret axis/rail they were on unloaded.
    6. Edymnion

      New Player - Advice on Scale

      Yup, it breaks badly. See, the game only loads the sector you are in, and 2 sectors in any given direction. Beyond that, the game doesn't load anything in order to save processing power. After all, why render a bunch of stuff if no one is there to see it? Just a waste of computer power. So...
    7. Edymnion

      Planets or Stations?

      Planets make for good temporary bases, but even in single player I recommend moving to a station as quickly as possible. The main reasons why planets aren't good for long term: Gravity - Pretty obvious, but it is a factor Size - You are going to be making ships eventually that will likely be...
    8. Edymnion

      The Importance of Planets

      Which could be as simple as "Each crew member eats one unit of food per day." Have a storage block of some kind designated for food storage, and every X units of time every crew member goes and takes one block out of it. If they don't get one, they "leave" instead of starve to death.
    9. Edymnion

      What Do We Want From Planets?

      There aren't two threads on the same problem. One is on the current state of planets, the other is on where we'd like to see planets go in the future. I'm sorry if this offends you. Not really. If you want more diverse and stimulating conversation topics, I suggest you go make some of your own.
    10. Edymnion

      What Do We Want From Planets?

      What did you expect in the weeks following a "We're totally redoing planets" announcement? Riveting discussions on cupcakes? Its not like there's anything else going on around here.
    11. Edymnion

      Diversification of Resources

      Meh, it could end up being as simple as having "Atmospheric Generator" blocks that produce air, and you needing X amount of air based on how many NPCs you have to support. And then you simply need air as one of the crafting components. Don't need to go full on "Is the room sealed, how much air...
    12. Edymnion

      What Do We Want From Planets?

      Yup, I'd like to see planets as the primary generator of NPCs as well. As in, you have a planet. Then you have to build space to house NPCs. And you need a food source for NPCs, and recreational spaces for NPCs. Basically you have to build a fully functional city of things to attract and...
    13. Edymnion

      Diversification of Resources

      The real logistical problem I can see is rail doors. It would be very difficult to tell if a rail door was properly sealing an entrance or not seeing as how it is a separate entity.
    14. Edymnion

      What Do We Want From Planets?

      Since the majority of people in How do you view planets? responded with "They're just a placeholder for something cool later on", thought it might be interesting to see exactly what "something cool" is that most people are expecting.
    15. Edymnion

      Proceduraly Generated Fauna

      Because if the game is nothing but ships and stations, its not going to last very long because it'll be very one dimensional.
    16. Edymnion

      Proceduraly Generated Fauna

      This is assuming that they are following through on their promises of MUCH bigger planets in the future. Yup, could even weight which parts get selected based on other parts. Give it a higher likelyhood that claws would spawn on carnivores, for example.
    17. Edymnion

      New Planet Speculation Thread

      Sorry. I do like where some of it was going though, so I spun off a new thread: Proceduraly Generated Fauna
    18. Edymnion

      Proceduraly Generated Fauna

      With new, better planets on the way, we're going to need new, better creatures to inhabit them. Making lots of creatures by hand, enough to create any real semblance of diversity, is going to be extremely laborious and time consuming. So, why not take a page from Spore's book and create mix...
    19. Edymnion

      New Planet Speculation Thread

      Seeing as its a voxel game and how blocky we humans are, it should be relatively easy to make mix and match parts. Spore was very good at creating emergent gameplay for species based on the parts used. We could do something as simple as a couple different heads, couple different bodies, couple...
    20. Edymnion

      New Planet Speculation Thread

      No, because I'm not insisting they do anything to appeal specifically to me under some threat of leaving the game otherwise. I'm simply stating that if there is nothing to do with these planets other than eat them for resources, then I would rather eat asteroids and will simply not use planets...