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    1. JayPixThings

      I like the ships you make

      I like the ships you make
    2. JayPixThings

      haha, idk i like the sound of your server so i thought i would keep tabs on it.

      haha, idk i like the sound of your server so i thought i would keep tabs on it.
    3. JayPixThings

      Massive planet station project

      haha, true but i still gotta try right? At least i can learn a lot from it. Thanks for the heads up but like i said I'm gonna take this to its limits and just go nuts with it. haha Here is a couple of pictures that inspired me to do this
    4. JayPixThings

      Massive planet station project

      Hey, I'm a titanic noobs and i want to build a planet sized station. I'm not talking about the little planets in the game but more like an actual planet. I'm talking like limit breaking size kind of planet (when its finished of course). I've done all the research i could find and well I've had...
    5. JayPixThings

      Megaprojekt searching for help!

      HAHA, I guess I'm a titanic noob as well but my project is quite a bit bigger.
    6. JayPixThings

      Eritech Aerospace Systems

      It looks so good its almost impossible to let it go haha
    7. JayPixThings

      Eritech Aerospace Systems

      Hey, are you ever gonna put a download for this beautious ship of yours??
    8. JayPixThings

      Agathokakological: Composed of both good and evil

      Agathokakological: Composed of both good and evil
    9. JayPixThings

      exactly, although i do want to make games as a job so i guess i get both hehe

      exactly, although i do want to make games as a job so i guess i get both hehe
    10. JayPixThings

      Makes sense, wish we could just play games all day and not have to worry about work or money but...

      Makes sense, wish we could just play games all day and not have to worry about work or money but sadly that's not how the world works
    11. JayPixThings

      Ah i see, thats pretty cool. what made you want to move to utah?

      Ah i see, thats pretty cool. what made you want to move to utah?
    12. JayPixThings

      Wait you're from Utah?? so am i ! that's so cool!

      Wait you're from Utah?? so am i ! that's so cool!