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    1. StormWing0

      Drone Wars Competition , Season 2

      Bump: Done with my first two drones, problem the devs have been messing with the mass counters again. I forget are we going by mass in the catalog or mass in Build Mode?
    2. StormWing0

      Bug DevBuild Error & Starmade window Closing when trying to click back into it

      Got this error when trying to logon to the dev server not sure what's going on. Meantime I have a far more annoying issue. Sometimes when I Tab Out into another window than try to click back into Starmade the game just outright closes for no reason. No idea what's going on.
    3. StormWing0

      StarMade v0.198.219 Custom Shapes, 7 Languages, reworked GUI graphics & new Asteroids

      Could always add a way to adjust the size range of things like asteroids just like we can do with planets. Might help with performance issues. :)
    4. StormWing0

      for the next competition please consider

      Well why not use the End Of Day time of the last timezone it is that day in? :) Only logical choice if you want the end of that day, just pick the end of that day outright worldwide. :)
    5. StormWing0

      Ships spawn in with chain drives active when previously not

      This is where docking it to a tiny docking ship comes in handy. Can't jump if docked. That said states like this need to be saved and loaded correctly.
    6. StormWing0

      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      Likely going to take worshiping them like gods to get back in at this point. XD
    7. StormWing0

      Help With Shops

    8. StormWing0

      StarMade Development Direction

      If you can do better apply for a job with them rather than whining about it. >_>
    9. StormWing0

      Unable to Enter Build Mode

      For starters the core is not meant to be totally encased, clear out a side of blocks. Also select and empty slot and right click on blocks to remove them outside of build mode. Also yes the core does need to be accessible on at least one side.
    10. StormWing0

      Would you be okay with a game engine change for Starmade?

      Java's fine if you know how to use it effectively. It's just the poor language doesn't like being manhandled. :)
    11. StormWing0

      StarMade 0.198.146 Hotfixes #1

      Any bugs from the latest bug storm still around killing people?
    12. StormWing0

      StarMade 0.198.146 Hotfixes #1

      Keep in mind they want both steam and non-steam players to be able to play the game right now. >_> If you put in steam only things like that you are losing a good percentage of the playerbase.
    13. StormWing0

      StarMade 0.198.146 Hotfixes #1

      lol It's raining bug fixes and bugs. XD
    14. StormWing0

      [BUG] Pickup Rails not working

      Seeing as I normally faction all sub entities to make it so people have a hard time stealing my stuff I haven't noticed this, any way you can get screenshots or video of this happening?
    15. StormWing0

      [BUG] Pickup Rails not working

      Currently there's a bug that forces you to put the pickup points on top of the rail arrows rather than anywhere in contact with the rail. As for the faction permission thing if all the drones are set to either no faction or the default faction settings it is suppose to do that, but if it is...
    16. StormWing0

      Read by Council Abduction Systems

      We can already do this just fine with existing things also insult us for making valid points isn't going to fly very far for long. Human Players (Unless they are RPing) aren't going to just take the being trapped issue for long and are likely to just logout, suicide, logout + create new...
    17. StormWing0

      Starmade for occasional/unexperienced players

      Yes we need some weaker enemies for starting players to deal with. Been working on some loot Pinata ships that aren't nearly as dangerous at the millennia old Isanths. XD Never mind what custom pirates servers have or the new defaults that are coming.
    18. StormWing0

      Read by Council Docked entity limits? Simpler Turret system

      It'd be nice if there was a docked entity limiter in the config file for this kind of thing. We have a docked Entity Chain Limit but no overall docked Entity Limit. Config Limit On Chains, Singles (AKA chain heads), and global would help. Having a chain start limit be separate from the global...
    19. StormWing0

      Read by Council Fixing ideas for the Pickup Point

      Strange mine placed at the end worked fine last patch, will have to check again to see if that's still the case.
    20. StormWing0

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      The cross rail up there looks useful. Won't have to use logic to get the same effect.