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    1. Panpiper

      Overwhelming point defense

      A little while ago, I built a test platform to test different point defense builds. The platform fired 14 dumbfire missiles every second straight out, bracketing the area I placed the point defense systems I was testing. I was able to get a pretty good visual guestimate of the effectiveness of...
    2. Panpiper

      Are defensive punch and pierce too expensive?

      Will docked entities such as turrets or your bolt on armor, actually use passive defensive effects? Or do we have to force them on using inter ship wireless or something? (And just how does one do that anyway?)
    3. Panpiper

      Are defensive punch and pierce too expensive?

      Oh gods... Am I once again guilty of assuming old mechanics were still in play? Will I ever learn?
    4. Panpiper

      Are defensive punch and pierce too expensive?

      I love the new HP system which eliminates coring and gives one time for a good fight. I love the variable mass of blocks which makes decorating a ship and giving it RP space less of a sacrifice. I love the fact that armor has an effect, but I fear the effect is too little for ships that want to...
    5. Panpiper

      Corsair - Proper Engines

      Well, I went to town on the engines. It took a lot more blocks to get the look I had intended. It also resulted in some empty space, which I filled with thruster blocks to compensate for the mass of the decorative changes. Ultimately the block count went up by a whopping 4000 blocks, up from...
    6. Panpiper

      I Hate Torches

      I am not sure of what you are referring to, but I am glad you are not giving more ammo to ship thieves. I would ask if there are any measures being discussed here or that you could suggest that would be good defense against what you are thinking of? Are turrets adequate, pulse traps, a combination?
    7. Panpiper

      More Random in my "Random"

      At the moment anyway, multiplayer is where it is at if you are looking for the challenge that makes a game most fun. The server I am playing on these days now has pirates sufficiently strong, that a 100,000 block ship may not be enough to handle everything it encounters. On the short list for...
    8. Panpiper

      What would you compete in?

      Effectiveness will certainly be where my ships shine. I've had reports of ships ten times the mass, fleeing from fights. But other than little to no RP space, I don't think my ships look bad. It's just that once their functional architecture is defined, usually by their power systems, the rest...
    9. Panpiper

      I Hate Torches

      I just use small ball turrets set to anti-astronaut. I have one watching my bridge, another the entrance, etc.. A few cannon blocks each, plus overdrive, for giggles mc bubbles. I mount them in the ceiling looking down with a big red orifice.
    10. Panpiper

      What would you compete in?

      I've already started my pirate 'fleet' less than a week ago. My server admin asked me to create just such a thing to toughen up the opposition. Sadly, while I can build very effective ships, my genius for coming up with innovative looks for them is quite lacking. My look usually winds up flowing...
    11. Panpiper

      Corsair - Advanced armor cladding and texturing.

      My server admin asked me to give the Corsair complete advanced armor cladding instead of regular armor. I availed myself of the moment to texture the overly clean lines a bit by mixing block lines with the wedges along it's length, and I am happier with the look. I added some lighting to the...
    12. Panpiper

      Marauder - Point defense is now working! Thank you Mr Irksome.

      I made a very embarrassing newbie error when building the point defense. It was not working, not because of some bug, but due to my own oversight. The error has been rectified, point defense should now be working. A few small cosmetic additions were made, and the shields slightly beefed up. The...
    13. Panpiper

      Some turret questions

      Yes, though I still find myself checking to make sure their AI is set properly after spawning them in. No, turrets used to get 'no' protection from shields. The half protection actually makes turrets even more useful. Just yesterday my battleminer found itself in a very tough fight versus a...
    14. Panpiper

      Ahh The Curse of Infinite Resources

      To me a starter ship is exactly that, a ship that can be built with native starting resources, the few stacks of blocks the game starts you with and what you can buy with that meager $20,000 credits. That crucial beginning is the crux and the bane of many a newbie. Making it pretty is self...
    15. Panpiper

      Permacloak, miner, jumping, 'Starter' ship. 2015-09-05

      This is not meant to be pretty. Rather this is a ship that a player can build the instant they join a new world with native resources. They will have to spend all 20,000 of their starting credits to build it though. Over half of that however is spent buying a jump drive computer and a jump...
    16. Panpiper

      Corsair Version 1.0

      My server admin asked me to create a pirate for the server that was even more challenging than my previous Marauder. This is my response. This has both a cannon that hits harder than that of the Marauder, and it has a long range seeker missile spread that hits for 300,000 damage (360,000 versus...
    17. Panpiper

      A New "Wave" [Pirate Ship Community Contest]

      I nominate Nauvran to start a 'new' such competition. He of course would be free to involve others and also to delegate to himself a less leaderish role once he gets the ball rolling, should he so choose (and assuming he finds someone else to assume the role). I also suggest he start a new...
    18. Panpiper

      SO LOST

      I posted this today in another thread:
    19. Panpiper

      When making ships, do you completely fill it's insides?

      Well... That 'is' interesting.
    20. Panpiper

      When making ships, do you completely fill it's insides?

      I don't understand. Why would filling in a ship cause 'less' lag?