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    1. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      So now you spin the whole ship whenever you fire the gun! :)
    2. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      I've never been able to successfully upload anything to the site. I browse to the folder where a blueprint is located and it is invariably empty. I don't know what file it's looking for, and the fact that the site doesn't bother to tell me suggests that they're not interested. ;) It's...
    3. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      Given how well you described everything, I don't know what I could be missing, yet the circuit shown isn't working. When I turn on the activation module, the rotator spins 45°, as always, but it stops at that point. This is a problem I've had any time I've connected a rotator to an activation...
    4. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      I'm not sure I'm following. You didn't have a button in your original layout (other than the one you replaced with an AND-Signal?) I downloaded the .zip file, but I don't recognize the file types within. What am I looking for? If I wasn't clear in my original post, I do know how to make a...
    5. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      As a sort of work-around, I've set a Button next to the rotator block (set to 90°) and connected a Not-Signal to the bButton. When the rotator finishes its rotation it activates the Button. The Button turns off for a split second before being activated again, triggering the Not-Signal. This...
    6. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      Based on your description, the rotator will only rotate 45° and then stop.
    7. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      Thanks - I've watched both of those videos previously, however, and neither one of them addresses my question. If you watch the linked videos you may note that neither of them actually show a button used to continuously spin a rotator set with 45° of rotation. I'm beginning to suspect that it...
    8. KiloZulu

      Rotator question

      I'm hoping to create a Gatling gun, but I'm already stuck with a simple rotator block. I want the rotator to continuously spin while I have it activated, and send a pulse each time it finishes a 45° rotation. It seems that if I restrict the rotator to 45° turns it doesn't give an attached...
    9. KiloZulu

      Large Ship Constructed with many smaller ships

      I once made a ship that was covered in smaller ships that were little more than shields and the power to charge them. This was before the rails update when the mother ship's shields were extended to all docked entities. The docked ships were built as plates, aside from one turret that provided...
    10. KiloZulu

      ship damage while flying

      I've had a couple of moments lately where, while working in build mode on a ship my screen suddenly flashed red and I heard the explosion sound like I'd been hit. When I bring up the navigation panel there's nothing around, and I never detected any actual damage to the ship. I'm doing the...
    11. KiloZulu

      The Rail show off thread!

      I don't have a gif (or hosting site,) but I have a ship that uses a similar layout. It has a line of launchers down either side of the ship that fire continuously in an alternating pattern. I'd compare it to the chaff system on modern warplanes. I used EMP modules for mine to avoid causing...
    12. KiloZulu

      New guy with renewed interest.

      I hope that they will be including more design blocks in the future. I can't imagine them not doing so. While they don't have a specific "chair" block, you can sit on any block by looking at it and hitting "o." Players have come up with a number of designs using blocks and wedges to suggest...
    13. KiloZulu

      Vanilla StarMade Murdered My Inner Child

      I think that they should act like the ones in the arcade game "Asteroids!" They break apart into smaller pieces each time they're shot, and they all do massive collision damage. Better still - they can call in support in the shape of a saucer-shaped UFO to defend them, much like pirate bases...
    14. KiloZulu

      Vanilla StarMade Murdered My Inner Child

      And yet no one ever bothers to upgrade asteroids to make them more challenging. ;)
    15. KiloZulu

      Call me when you get the rails fixed.

      I acknowledge that the game is in an alpha test, but bugs affecting the rail and logic system are particularly frustrating to deal with. We spend a lot of additional time trying to determine if the issue is caused by mistakes in our circuit layouts before being able to conclude that it is a...
    16. KiloZulu

      Vanilla StarMade Murdered My Inner Child

      This is something I've pointed out in the "Gigantism" thread - the fact that so many public servers use extremely deadly custom pirates just fuels the requirement to have a massive ship. My experience is very much like your own - in all of the time I'd been playing Starmade I played on a...
    17. KiloZulu

      Call me when you get the rails fixed.

      I've had enough of re-running my wireless connections, re-docking everything, and even reworking logic for undocumented changes. I imagine it's a great update, too bad all I've done since it's release is try to fix things.
    18. KiloZulu

      Some rails not working after update?

      Yeah, I'm getting pretty frustrated at this point. Between the need to re-dock everything to get it to recognize that it's docked, and re-connecting all of the wireless logic, all I'm doing is fixing stuff this update broker rather than actually exploring what this update added.
    19. KiloZulu

      Rail system

      It gets better with a little logic. You can have multiple docking locations and the rails will automatically route a shuttle to the first available position. ;) Live long and prosper.
    20. KiloZulu

      Bug All wireless logic don't save

      I'm playing on the red shift server and discovered all my wireless connections were broken again after updating.