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    1. jayman38


      Yeah, those first two links are the same. Well, you can use advanced mode to remove entire slices of the ship (E.g. setting the Y and Z sliders in advanced build mode to the maximum), and then use the undo button to bring it back. Seeing a cross-section by removing a slice might be more useful...
    2. jayman38

      What is the point of carriers?

      I'm surprised noone has really touched on the issue of limited systems. If you spend so much as a single block on a FTL drive in a fighter/corvette, that's a block that could have been better spent on weapons or shields in a vessel that is already squeezed for combat capacity. So while you can...
    3. jayman38

      Selecting the Ideal System for a Faction Base

      I would recommend not just watching Bench's logic tutorial videos, but actually building what he builds. It starts simple and moves on to more complex stuff. I consider Logic building to be like any other form of programming, and sometimes, to learn it, you just have to do it and make it work...
    4. jayman38

      First PVP duels and thoughts on ship doctrine

      Unless he was nose-to-nose with your ship when your shields dropped, the primary weapon system was probably a cannon, with pulse and ion being the secondary and tertiary systems, respectively.
    5. jayman38

      Is individual block HP pointless?

      Indeed! In addition to astronauts themselves and their weapons, critical components of astronaut combat is the same as any other FPS: vehicles, buildings, and other cover. On one hand, blocks standing between two astronauts should not be indestructable by those astronauts. That would be the...
    6. jayman38


      This first-ship tutorial is old, but to me, it looks like it is still useful. StarMade.Build.Instructions - Mikeland Alternative workshops: Many experienced players are willing to work with new players to develop their ability to build. Also, there are small "starter" ships in the Community...
    7. jayman38

      Is individual block HP pointless?

      Yes and no. 8 bits is 1/3 of the total bit count for each block. If just three of those bits were redirected to Block IDs, the Block ID count could increase from 2k to 16k. Unfortunately for this suggestion, it really doesn't take into account astronaut-level combat, which could become more...
    8. jayman38

      LoD blocks ideas

      Slab with rounded edge (great for furniture) Half-length slab with rounded edge (great for furniture) mid-block slab (1/4 away from one edge, and 1/2 block away from the other.) Keypad-shaped activation block Helmet (probably should be activate-able like a door to disappear, to simulate picking...
    9. jayman38

      Edge Lines view enhancement.

      I wish OpenGL had a combination fill/lines mode. The entity will simply have to be drawn twice. First the normal way, and then overlaid with "GL_LINES" mode.
    10. jayman38

      Happy new Year ! (At least to those who count in this way)

      Enjoy the years while you can. We could be obliterated to make way for a cosmic bypass at any moment.... Has anyone checked the planning office at Alpha Centauri lately?
    11. jayman38

      build mode angled axis

      Yeah, I'd like if Advanced Build mode was expanded (maybe with tabs?) so that you could not only change the overall dimension of a placement, but also line-by-line offsets. For example, to place a diagonal wall of wedges, imagine setting the X offset to 1 or -1, so that each row that is placed...
    12. jayman38

      3d anaglyph

      If someone on the dev team wanted to try to implement, this tutorial might help. Unfortunately, I think it uses the old linear pipeline stuff, so it may be a little tricky to adapt to current OpenGL methods. But, hey, that kind of challenge makes it fun, right? Bonus: The stereo cam stuff, along...
    13. jayman38

      where do you get insperation for your interiors?

      I get mine from the textures themselves. I generally build small, so I have to take advantage of the textures to add detail. In your case, I'd recommend fewer lights. Darker areas really "sober" a build. A few areas where red lights replace white lights. Green blocks placed in areas with low...
    14. jayman38

      Buff Thrusters!

      I mostly deal with smaller ships (generally within the range of the first 5 quadrants of the charts), so I think the curve needs to be much gentler, in addition to the increased thrust by default. I start to see the problem of a lack of thrust at the Starmade "fighter" level of ship. Ships that...
    15. jayman38

      NPC update resources and maintenance now give live economies?

      My interpretation of the asteroid clause above: As long as the resource "richness" variable of a system is more than zero, new asteroids will spawn when old ones are mined out. Every asteroid that is spawned will reduce the resource "richness" value of the system. Once the value hits zero, no...
    16. jayman38

      [Blueprints] "Enemy-usable" should be unchecked *BY DEFAULT*

      I agree that it should be set by default in the vanilla game, if only to avoid surprising new players.
    17. jayman38

      Poseidon Cruiser

      I love the piping. If I were to change the piping, it would be to make the red "strands" running down the "wings" either flush with the grey around it, or moved one block higher, so that it "echoed" the grey, while being above it. In either case, I would prefer to see the red wedges in line with...
    18. jayman38

      NPC Crew Repairs

      Scifi ships are frequently repaired while "under way", and even while in combat. As long as individual NPCs can't repair too quickly, and as long as NPC repair numbers are kept under control, I don't think the ship needs to go into reboot mode while being repaired slowly by NPCs. The key is that...
    19. jayman38

      Twitch Panels

      Feel free to use anything from my content. Is there anything in particular you want? (E.g. Animated GIF of the Schine logo that runs at the beginning of starting the game, the vertical "ship" icon, the old 7-point star with the "M", an imagecap from the standard trailer on the main page, etc.)...
    20. jayman38

      Display Module Formating and Number Crunching

      To handle monospace and other font options, we should be able to select a TTF font (at the risk of turning blueprints into a format that slightly resembles RTF or PDF formats). There are a ton of neat monospace TTF fonts out there.