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    1. mikesheen

      Spot the difference

      It\'s applaudable and appreciated you\'re making significant, good changes to the game engine to increase efficiency. BUT... we really do need some better management capabilities for multiplayer. Such as a console command line for dedicated servers. Please please please consider that. Mike
    2. mikesheen

      Spot the difference

      The FPS ?
    3. mikesheen

      Server side suggestion

      Hi, I\'m the owner of the server Rekit is referring to. As Rekit suggested - \"So basically you would have a 2/40/8 server. Where 2 slots are for admins which are reserved slots, 40 slots for whitelisting’s, and the remaining 8 open to anyone to play and try.\" - this would be ideal. When I...
    4. mikesheen

      Server Console Line

      +1 to this. I find the lack of ability to issue commands via console a great hindrance for management purposes. I run a few Minecraft servers and make good use of the ability to send console commands to the running screen - things like scheduled graceful restarts and adding people to...
    5. mikesheen

      Web query for server status

      Hi, I can see from that there is a way to query a server and report the online state and the number of current players. I want to add this same functionality to my website. I've done this with my Minecraft servers, using Python before - but I just need to be...