Search results

    1. mikesheen

      Mikeland StarMade shutting down

      Of course I considered them. I spent HOURS analysing logs from complaints to see if there was any wrong doing. That was one of my roles - the buck stopped with me. I'm no stranger to having others manage my servers, I had at one point 4 game servers running, and I had developed policy and...
    2. mikesheen

      Mikeland StarMade shutting down

      Mikeland StarMade has been running since June 18, 2013, and has been one of the few Australian StarMade servers available, and certainly the longest running Australian StarMade server. As numbers on the server have declined so much I find it no longer viable to pay the exhorbitant costs...
    3. mikesheen

      The StarMade Server List

      Cool - I like the ping function - very neat. You might want to sanitise your server list - there are dozens registered using "NoName". Most seem to be the same, even the website URL for the listing is the same. Sample (not comprehensive, just what I've found with a 10 second search)...
    4. mikesheen

      12 Months since Steam

      I was more looking for server owners to comment on their server numbers of late, and what they have tried and what success or failure they've seen in their efforts.
    5. mikesheen

      12 Months since Steam

      What did I do? Nobody knows what you're talking about.
    6. mikesheen

      12 Months since Steam

      Is one of your tips NOT offering a lifeline to a competing server and hosting them for free until they found a new home?
    7. mikesheen

      12 Months since Steam

      Well, it's been a week short of 12 months since StarMade was released on Steam. This is what my StarMade server visits per day was like over the last 12 months: Note the spike toward the middle/end of August when it was on sale on Steam. Seems to be player numbers are declining as of late...
    8. mikesheen

      servermonitor - realtime animated CPU and bandwidth graphing

      Why did someone rate this as "funny"? Am I missing something?
    9. mikesheen

      What I'm Looking For When I Join Your Server

      I like Grimmeral's post. What I'd like even more is for Grimmeral to visit some servers and provide a review of those servers in how they meet / do not meet the desired qualities sought in a server.
    10. mikesheen

      player count

      It would be nice if the game server did store such metrics, and there was an option in the server.cfg to "send usage data to Schine", so there was a global statistical database - then you could see something like this, but on a global scale, and you'd be able to break it down by country, too.
    11. mikesheen

      ElwynEternity Starmade server

      Thanks for that. However, I am a little puzzled - how does schine have anything to do with it, or have any special insight to a DoS or DDoS attack on a server? The only thing I can think of is the server-pinger service used by the in-game server browser is a component of the attack - other than...
    12. mikesheen

      ElwynEternity Starmade server

      I was under the impression most decent ISP's / hosting providers these days will drop packets out which have the sender IP spoofed - they kinda learnt it was in their best interests to drop such packets. Anyway - if you're running a public facing game server you should be using a provider which...
    13. mikesheen

      Credits for votes

      Update: I have created a Git for this at - please feel free to make any changes or improvements and submit a pull request!
    14. mikesheen

      StarMade Join Stats

      The recent Steam weekly humble bundle including StarMade seems to have caused a spike in new players :) We (Mikeland StarMade) haven't seen that many new players in one day since January 22, 2015 - which was shortly after the initial Steam release. The highest number of new players we saw in...
    15. mikesheen

      servermonitor - realtime animated CPU and bandwidth graphing

      One of the tools I've built to monitor server health is CPU and bandwidth monitoring - servermonitor. It provides in real-time animated graphs of CPU usage by core and bandwidth on the NIC of a server. I use this on my StarMade server - it looks pretty and has some value when trying to...
    16. mikesheen

      CraftAU - Starmade

      Wasn't just you - someone threw some traffic my way last night also - this graph shows a spike of traffic before the DDoS mitigation kicked in.
    17. mikesheen

      Negative Review: Mikelands AUS Server - My (Unfortunate) Experience

      He lied. He said only K10 looks at tickets. That was a lie. If he didn't know or suspected that was the case, he should have said "I thought that only K10 looked at tickets" instead he made a statement represented as fact. It was wrong. You may have interpreted it that way, but I simply...
    18. mikesheen

      Negative Review: Mikelands AUS Server - My (Unfortunate) Experience

      How, exactly was I unprofessional? All I stated was the claim was false - and it is. I used capitals to emphasise one word - so what? I never said that - you're putting words in my mouth. I was being a little condescending, I admit that - but how am I supposed to respond to a claim about...
    19. mikesheen

      Negative Review: Mikelands AUS Server - My (Unfortunate) Experience

      Nice anecdote. Try using some facts to back your claim.
    20. mikesheen

      Negative Review: Mikelands AUS Server - My (Unfortunate) Experience

      Not sure how you got that from my use of emphasis. The claim made was bold and I responded in a clear manner, proportionate to the claim. If anything your post is an attempt to goad me into a heated response. You have failed, good sir.