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      StarMade Discord

      Want me to also post the rest of the spam done?
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      StarMade Discord

      Throwing around insults just proves my point. Grats
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      StarMade Discord

      Thanks for the concern guys, but no issues where found with the discord. Maybe you guys could focus on making your discord / servers a little better instead of trying to cause issues for everyone else? Attempting to take other people down for BS reasons, and making false claims only makes...
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      StarMade Discord

      Not really?
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      Water slabs!

      Awesome job dude!
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      Starmade memes

      YOU MUST CONVERT THEM! Save them while you can!
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      Possible quest system

      OHHHH You know how there are NPC ships that transport goods between trade stations? What if players could do that as missions? (Protect and deliver cargo)
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      Possible quest system

      I like this part!
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      StarMade Discord

      Not really sure what you mean by this?
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      StarMade Discord

      We have recently gotten a good bit of members! I'm sure there will be plenty of people online when you are on also, now!
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      StarMade Discord

      What TimeZone are you in? Most of the people are currently EST, as we grow there will be a wider range of time zones :)
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      StarMade Discord

      I have years of experience running my own servers, and so does the other staff member. We will keep things as nice as we can :) Thank you for the warning / concern!
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      StarMade Discord

      You are very correct in this. As needed the staff team will increase. The current staff has experience in dealing with this though.
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      StarMade Discord

      Yeah I know the CakeBuild discord is quite large, but it is mainly focused on well... The CakeBuild Server. I wanted to create a place that doesn't have direct ties to ANY server. Even my own. This Discord will be 100% about the community 100% of the time
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      StarMade Discord

      Has died. GG Centauri or rednexela may have a discord for ya