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      StarMade 0.09377

      I\'m working on a fix (should be done in a few hours). Apparently players are not getting logged out properly and reconnection cause a AlreadyLoggedInException, which on some servers is not flushed out to the client before ending the stream
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      StarMade 0.09377

      1. that\'s exactly how the detector works. It checks the blueprint price with blocks that have actually spawned on the server. If the price is lower than objects that spawn, the detector triggers (for price differences from blockConfig see 2.). 2. Price differences from different configs are...
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      ho comprato statrmade?

      Ciao, non hai bisogno di un codice. Il tuo account è attivato automaticamente. Non vi è al momento alcuna differenza tra l\'acquisto e la versione gratuita. Ma in futuro, il gioco sarà più costoso. Risparmiate i soldi se si acquista ora.
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      StarMade 0.09377

      Hello again, Network I worked all day to figure out the ping issues that were plaguing some servers. Especially the issue when one high-ping user comes in, everybody's ping seemed to go up. Technical: I kept testing the issue with 3 machines (one real dedicated server I had to deploy on...
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      StarMade 0.09376: Economy, Performance & UDP

      that\'s very strange. I\'ve never seen a bug like this. Did you maybe mod the blockConfig.cfg? because that is overwritten on update.
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      StarMade 0.09376: Economy, Performance & UDP

      what happens when you set \"G_VBO_FLAG = STATIC\" to \"G_VBO_FLAG = DYNAMIC\" in the settings.cfg?
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      StarMade 0.09376: Economy, Performance & UDP

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update has taken a little bit longer, because it needed some testing due to changes in the cores of both the network as well as the graphics rendering system. Please excuse eventual errors that might still occur. In case of a new game-breaking bug, please...
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      Spot the difference

      Still needs some testing since I basically took apart the whole block graphics engine once again. I also can\'t tell for sure if on slower graphics cards there wouldn\'t come up another bottleneck. But I have good hope that everyone will get a lot more performance out of this.
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      Spot the difference

      Spot the difference :)
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      StarMade dev update

      It helps some types of cards for sure. I can\'t promise that it will help you, but I\'ll do more improvements with the new-found available memory.
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      StarMade dev update

      Hello, just a little note one what I'm working on: I took a long tour into the graphics code and did research on various methods and functions I'm using. I found that I'm always reserving data on the graphics card for the absolute worst case (a checker-boxed chunk). The average data used is...
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      what version does the launcher say you have? My only explanation would be a faulty installation wiping the version data
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      erm, no. The singleplayer is one and the same file, and the server of singleplayer is therefore always the same version as the client. The other thing is that server admins have to update their version on their side. It won\'t do that automatically. They use the same version checking, when the...
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      StarMade 0.09375: Critical bugfix & updated textures

      Hello and welcometo StarMade, due to an optimization to gel rid of lag for others when people are joining servers, the authentication system got broken, as in, fully ignored. This led to some serious problems with in-game security. Admins should immediately update their servers! But there...
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      Offical Female Skin crashes game

      Beetlebear probably uploaded the wrong version of the file :/
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      StarMade 0.09374: individual balancing & lots of fixes *hotfixed*

      Hello and welcome to StarMade, this update contains a very special feature. It's now possible for server to modify their BlockConfig, and make their universe even more custom. Hotfix (if you haven't updated yet today, please ignore) Fixed error on servers that only changed block config. Fixed...
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      Chat room

      the chat is 3rd party. the offline button worked before. We\'ll have to wait until they fix that issue
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      Nvidia =/= Intel !

      You might have a dual graphics core setup. Try to set starmade to accelerated in your graphics settings in windows
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      Server freeze on UserJoin

      the server is not single threaded. threading is not as easy as just putting operations in there. certain methods have to be synchronized. If there is something wrong in those methods, the other threds will get stuck too.
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      Planet Chunks turn invisible

      try changing your max segments or visibility range. If the system is trying to put more on screen than it can, there is no \"buffer\" to update changed segments because no other segment is willing to give up their state for another to execute the update. I\'ll try to make an ensured capacity for...