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    1. G

      Building Tool: Block Swap Command

      Has this happened to anyone? Your framing the hull of your ship and start laying down the actual hull blocks you want to use. You get about half way done with the entire hull and suddenly it hits you... Red! It would really look better in red than grey. Oh... yea it would but now I have to... I...
    2. G

      Hardened Hull vs. Missiles

      Thank you all. This is very helpful information. I was unaware of the Dumbfire missile buff though it makes perfect sense. I had thought during testing they were traveling very quickly. However the 25% and 50% resistances on hulls is misleading. I had understood that to mean 400 damage - 50...
    3. G

      Hardened Hull vs. Missiles

      Recently I was working on a new ship hull but realized I didn't' have all my reference material to work with so I turned my attention to doing some Hull and Armor testing. I have been trying to discover ways to armor my ships and to figure out what the best order to layer my system is. During...
    4. G


      Presenting the Commerce Authorty\'s Newest Strike Fighter the Eagle.
    5. G

      best corvette challenge!

      For a Corvette lets call it 2000 to 5000 Blocks. Now get to building!
    6. G

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      I flew out to the HQ last night. I was amazed how little lag I had seeing as Im in the States and the Server is in England. I have to say I was deeply, deeply impressed by the construction I got to look at. Im not sure what impressed me more. The Carrier, the Citadale, or the Shipyard docks. No...
    7. G

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      When would be the best time to catch you guys online? I would like to get a chance to talk to someone eather in chat or Voice if you have the time. -Gopher
    8. G

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      Hello, I was wondering if you guys are still active and if your recruiting.