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    1. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      I dunno about having my wits about me. Okay people, I need a favour. That stupid sun has killed me four times now. If anyone has good heat shields, I would appreciate if they could look for 'Cassandra', around -9,-8,8 (Between two shops) and maybe push it away from the sun, otherwise I have to...
    2. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      Yeah meant system, then. :) (In my defence I'm very old and forget things easily) - It's up one, left one and forward one - System AI in -2,0,1 If you think that's a bit close I won't claim the system, as long as you don't mind me having a station in -17,0-16.. It won't be a big station...
    3. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Have been making some progress on my Server ship, Cassandra. She's named after a ship I wrote a story for, which I was hoping to get a bunch of people to animate in 3DS Max, but everyone who joined wanted to build spaceships, and nobody would build or animate people... so that kinda died.. :)...
    4. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      If I'm on, it will usually be in the evening on weekdays, GMT. As with you all, weekends consist of either not going near a computer or spending the whole day on it. Having just bought Homeworld Remastered, I have even more distractions. :) I have a server rule question, as I know some servers...
    5. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      I know you keep the spawn shop stocked up. I went back there to sell all my asteroid materials, since I figured it would be polite to drop things by where everyone starts, but they were fully stocked in everything already. :) I'm talking about all the other shops in the sector... But they'll...
    6. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      I think I keep sneaking on while you guys are all out partying or something. So far, not seen anyone else.. But then, my ship is currently a bit of a shell anyway, and is more 'a few corridors' than a ship anyway, so I'm fine. Need to wander off somewhere and set up a station somewhere in a far...
    7. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Mooched around for another few hours today, still not met anyone online on the server, very quiet, but I kinda like that while I'm still constructing the ship, as I'm going around nabbing all the stock. :) Will soon start heading away from known space so I can claim a sector, then build a home...
    8. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Found it, with the help of Mr Zero. For some reason, the ship went back to the spawn point, by itself... crazy! :)
    9. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      So, the good news is I have managed to get an entire cross section, at least of inner skin... The less god news is that a crash seems to have made the ship disappear. Not blown up by nasties (I have 15km scan range!) just... gone.. whuups...
    10. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      General, you'll have to excuse the unprettiness of my build so far, but I'm working from the inside out, and I can't afford to buy all the hull I need yet. :oops: I promise to keep the ship tucked away far from the spawn point until she looks remotely ship-like.
    11. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Feeling bad about having the floating staircase, I decided to mask it a little with some nose hull, to keep it from blowing up people's eyes. This was short lived whilst I explored the sector a little (and avoided pirates like the plague!) and then got to a shop not by the spawn point ad...
    12. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      It could have been more fun... it might have been a flying helter-skelter.... but... no, it's a staircase.. On the plus side, at least you could tell what it was. That has to count for something, surely. ;)
    13. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Me? Flit between different projects? Never... Joined an RP server, which I hope to survive at least a week on. YAY. And started building my first ship. They did say no brick ships... uhm.. I just need a bit more time... and hull...
    14. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      The button at the bottom didn't call the elevator back down when I tried before, but let's give it another go... :) Ah, the button was on the other side of the door. Yes... Now it works... Interesting. Lot more stuff outside, going to find a little corner and build a not-brick... :)
    15. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      Station looks nice, if a little Spartan on the walls. :) Sadly I did have to spend some money suiciding. I couldn't access any doors to get out of the station, and eventually tried to see if there was something under the elevator, so I sent it back up. For reference, if the lift is up the top...
    16. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      Cheers boss-man... M'lud...Lordship, sir... :D Whilst its in Beta, do you need anything donated? I specialise in ships people want to blow up due to their aesthetics... :confused:
    17. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Quick update... The wallpapering is done and I gave the wall a lick of paint today... Wait.. wrong subject... Band practice is going really well.. No wait.. Work is.. What was I doing? Oh yeah... Removed the turret docks and replaced them with new turret docks. Not having a sexy time...
    18. Dannage

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      Good evening folks. I have been looking for a largely PVE server, mainly since I suck at building weapons... or at least I thought I did until I tried building something with rails, and then realised I'm -really- bad at that. I'd like to mainly build, but also take part in 'group missions', if...
    19. Dannage

      Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

      Okay, still haven't finished that Civ game (hey, I'm busy, okay?) - but I ended up working late, so rather than go paint my bedroom, here we are, Friday evening and thinking, time we tried the joined up turrets, see how quick can build a test turret system!... don't expect pretty... (All my old...
    20. Dannage

      Bohemian Builders

      Ha to be said there are some fantastic and inspiring ship designs here. Well done!