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    1. BiGEdge

      Small things to fix up

      Not the Weapon does the damage, the area effect does the damage through walls and through shields no block got damaged only players thats what i meant
    2. BiGEdge

      Small things to fix up

      thats not the point, there is only an option to let NPC use a Blueprint or not. Dont matter if its Pirats, Trading Guild or Custom NPC Faction there is no option to seperate the diferent NPC-factions ist it?
    3. BiGEdge

      Small things to fix up

      there is no option to give the blocks a different mass. every block has 10 mass The Pirats use the same Blueprints as the TG and that should be fixed
    4. BiGEdge

      Small things to fix up

      Hey Starmade Freaks, ive played starmade for a while now, and there are some things disturbing the fluid Gameplay. More and more people telling me they want to leave SM for minor reasons. the most things i heard was like "why shine puts good stuff out of the game?" "maybe i play SM but only in...
    5. BiGEdge

      Bug Planet disappeared

      but in singleplayer there should noone blow planets up, maybe the never seen but well known destroyer of the worlds :eek:
    6. BiGEdge

      Bug Single player server lagging out.

      maybe you have to give more memory to your server settings in the first menu when you open up your starmade-starter.exe check your java and your currently installed Starmade Version. if needed you can delete your Starmade Folder and download again. Check your Video Drivers and your Ram, thats...
    7. BiGEdge

      (Shader mods) Bearish's Super Mega Mod Thread of Doom

      its a similar soundtrack as in the movie "kickass" but back to topic, how do you like this
    8. BiGEdge

      Bug Planet disappeared

      your spawn should be at 2 2 2 if you havnt changed its location
    9. BiGEdge

      Bug Planet disappeared

      we had a similar bug, our homebase/planet were worked on, or one of the planet plates disappered we found it at the spawn. But this was on Multiplayer
    10. BiGEdge

      Support the Multiplayer

      Hey Starmade Freaks, in our Forums on we had a good question. "why the hell everyone plays alone like in Singleplayer" And its just like that. Everyone comes to the Server build theyr base and ships on theyr immortal Homebase, but they have no reason to interact with other...
    11. BiGEdge

      What servers do you play on?

      Im a Starmade Player since about a year now. ive played on many servers before, and were an Admin on another Server. I would suggest you the feedupyourbeast. About the feedupyourbeast Server i must say, this one is the most stable Server i know. And that should mean some, because of Bugs and...
    12. BiGEdge

      This station happened to spawn next to a planet!

      Remembers me of tis somehow ^^
    13. BiGEdge

      Teloporters - Beam Me Up Scotty

      I dont want to bitch anyone out... Just to tell my opinion. All good ideas for features in the game, but and thats a big but, personally i dont need more features for a longer time till the most bugs get fixed and the game is more stable
    14. BiGEdge

      Teloporters - Beam Me Up Scotty

      Why not making a HoloDeck Bkock, wher you can build a Room of and everytime you go in, you can use the Computer and your in a Virtual World, where you can build Cobblestone Houses??? siriusly!? Pls let the devs first smooth the gameplay and fix all the main bugs and servercrashes. and than...
    15. BiGEdge

      1 MB picture limit

      Much simpler than compressing every image is to post only a link. Upload your Pics to a free image uploader for example: copy and paste the link in the directlink section hope i could help Greez BiGEdge
    16. BiGEdge

      How do I increase the amount of blocks that can be placed in the X - Y - Z options for build mode?

      Dont try to put this number too high... a 10x10x10 is 1.000 blocks at one time this is ite easy for allmost every system but a 100x100x100 setting is heavy enough for allmost every system. so dont try a 1000x1000x1000 setting and build all the blocks at one time, it will crash your...
    17. BiGEdge

      X Warpgate 1.0

      Hi Starmade Freaks, with the new Warpgate system i remembered the good old times playing X Series. Here is my Jumpgate from the X-Universe Gate is Ready to connect... Its a 200Block wide and hight Ring Greez BiGEdge
    18. BiGEdge

      StarMade 0.17 Warp Gates, Jump Drives, and a lot more

      How far is the max distance for JumpGates?
    19. BiGEdge

      StarMade 0.17 Warp Gates, Jump Drives, and a lot more

      Where the fuck is the cubeatoming? Why is it gone and ahhh bring it back please. Maybe in sort of a Block in Factory Section, but bring it back in the game
    20. BiGEdge

      StarMade 0.17 Warp Gates, Jump Drives, and a lot more

      Agreed, Very good work Schema, thats what ive payed for. Ok there is much more work to do. Anyways go on with that outstanding work Greez