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    1. NoPantsMcDance

      Error in script file line

      delete the index folder in your server-database
    2. NoPantsMcDance

      Custom Weapons Computer + custom AMC connection problem

      This isn\'t possible to do. The game is coded in a way where it only lets ID 1 be connected to ID 2. The block config doesn\'t control this. You would have to add it into the source code of the game to let ID 1 connect to ID 2. Don\'t ask how to edit the source code btw because no.
    3. NoPantsMcDance

      Simultaneous AI Simulations Value

      People have made this clear but don\'t compare something in this game to minecraft. The ONLY similarity is that MineCraft and StarMade are made in java. Everything else is completely different. How many entities starmade can handle depends on the engine and the code. Regarding the simulation...
    4. NoPantsMcDance

      Credit Limit

      I honestly don\'t see the reason for more then 2bil anyways. But as stated it currently can\'t be done.
    5. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade Pre-Build 0.093992

      Doom\'s been running a prebuild server for a while now.
    6. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade Pre-Build 0.09399: step by step

      Thanks for the full changelog
    7. NoPantsMcDance

      server-database corruption fix

      Alright for you gents out there having their servers get stuck at "fetching SQL" connection this is a fix. Basicly all you have to do is delete the "index" folder. Doing this will respawn all shops,pirate stations, and abandoned stations. Also just another note its smart to clear your...
    8. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade prebuild: Server bugs debugging and fix

      Thanks for the reply.
    9. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade prebuild: Server bugs debugging and fix

      This maybe just me but I think you should really write out everything you\'ve changed. Telling us \"bug fixes\" yet not telling us what \"bug\" it was you fixed makes it harder because I\'m not sure what I should stop looking for and what to start looking for. I\'m just the kind of person that...
    10. NoPantsMcDance

      HardCore Blueprint System

      If it takes blocks AND credits its alot harder. Also you can turn off recipie levels so you can\'t do that.
    11. NoPantsMcDance

      HardCore Blueprint System

    12. NoPantsMcDance

      HardCore Blueprint System

      Someone mentiond taking blocks and taking credits. I\'m not opposed to that either.
    13. NoPantsMcDance

      HardCore Blueprint System

      So we now have the option to make it so people can no longer can upload blueprints from locally and can only save blueprints of ships that are in the server. So let's take this a step further. Next is to make it so when you "buy" a blueprint instead of taking credits it takes the blocks from the...
    14. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade 0.09398

      this is just incase the dropbox link doesnt work
    15. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade 0.09398

      This should basicly speak for itself Anyways as you can see the server never actually crashed but it wouldn\'t accept connections. Also I had to crash the process for this to actually restart as cntrl+c didn\'t see to work as it just...
    16. NoPantsMcDance

      "Cleaning up physics because repository is full." Crashes.

      Now I feel like we\'re just fucking up my name on purpose lol
    17. NoPantsMcDance

      "Cleaning up physics because repository is full." Crashes.

      \"crazy6117\" that hurt to read.....
    18. NoPantsMcDance

      "Cleaning up physics because repository is full." Crashes.

      You\'re server might not be running enough memory. Whatever you using to start the server either the .bat file for windows or the .sh file for linux open it. Then look for this line here \"java -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -jar StarMade.jar -server\" The -Xms128m is the minimum value of ram java will...
    19. NoPantsMcDance

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09393: Batch of fixes

      Very good to hear! Btw I\'ve been getting alot of reports of recipies crashing clients whenever they try to mvoe them in their inventory. Might be something to look into.