Search results

    1. Claru

      The Athanatos Concord - A StarMade Alliance - Now live, join today!

      I Claru, Knight of the Void Templar, have helped to draft the above and look forward to an era of cooperation between factions which will exist for the betterment of all. Let any who seek to improve themselves with the help of their peers step forth. We are waiting.
    2. Claru

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      Along with a chance to visit the VIP only spa. Honestly though this peach cobbler is fantastic.
    3. Claru

      Multifaction competition, Here's what happened!

      But will stop by as soon as I am able to see how it all went!
    4. Claru

      Multifaction competition, Here's what happened!

      Hereby expresses interest in your fighter competition. Will we provide craft, or shall it be standardized and provided to test skill not construction. Will this be team combat or one versus one. How many fighters may be fielded at a time. Respectfully submitted, Claru Laru, Knight of...
    5. Claru

      Faction Balls.

    6. Claru


    7. Claru

      Faction Balls.

      Nailed it Miraak. Nailed it.
    8. Claru

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      Good to see you KBSF! we have a steam group now and the server changed ips . So a lot has happened!
    9. Claru

      Looking for a Faction & Server

      I look forward to playing with you on Illusive now that my internet has decided to work again! -Claru Laru, Knight of the Void Templar
    10. Claru

      Faction Balls.

    11. Claru

      An Open letter to the Lazarus Imperium refugees

      UK_IN_US is a diplomat between the two factions, not a diplomat which speaks for said factions in the greater areana of faction politics.
    12. Claru

      Faction Balls.

      Or in the style of the Poland ball comics? either way, no worries.
    13. Claru

      Faction Balls.

    14. Claru

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      That Husiks has opted to take the mantle of Knight Errant! Husiks has shown initiative, courage, loyalty, and respectability. Husiks has reached out to new players and spread the word of the Templar without being asked to. Husiks has been with the faction for over two months. Husiks has...
    15. Claru

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      I will be assigning you to Tn44 as your squire. Congratulations! I look forward to serving with you in the future!
    16. Claru

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      I would like to welcome Tn44 and catndaxfire as the newest Squires of the Void Templar. Congratulations on completing officer training. o7
    17. Claru

      Void Templar: Fear not death, for you have lived with honor.

      I will see you in game for a tour and discussion. The Lazarus is a good group and I think you would do well with them.
    18. Claru

      Faction Balls.

      Can come and fly away on a trip of wonder, mystery and love. I expanded it to seat eight last night.
    19. Claru

      Faction Balls.

      Let me take you for a ride. And sing you the song of my people. HSZ 2.19.2014 21:00 EST Be there and you will understand.