Excellent! I'm glad to see there are some plans to update the wiki. I'd like to contribute myself if you guys need the help - is there any particular section you guys have been working on that I should avoid, or does the whole thing need an overhaul at this point?
I had to cast my vote with "Internal Design". By that, I do mean a pretty internal ship, but rather, the internal mechanics. I design a ship for functionality, to fulfill a specific roll. I start with my core, and design it's internal shields, expand out to my reactor bays, and then begin...
Hmm, for missiles, it would seem that Punch-Through should have forward-facing cone blast radius (i.e. shaped charge), and Pierce would penetrate a few layers before detonating in the normal fashion. The Explosive would naturally increase the blast radius of the missiles. This would give each...
Wow, never though of it that way. Missiles should lose significant blast power as they eat out blocks, as each layer it blast through will be reflecting a large amount of the xplosion back into space.
Do... any of you guys discuss here, or just gloss over everyone's comment in a rush to make your own? O.o
MrFURB: This is an excellent approach to games where sheer numbers come into play (MMORPGs and RTS games), but I don't that route will work in Starmade, due to turrets. The only way to...
I think the primary problem is the way everything scales. To destroy a small ship, you need only destroy that single core. To take out a big ship, you do the same thing as vs. a small ship, just with a few more layers to drill though. I've suggested most these changes before, but I haven't been...
Would be pretty cool to see added. I\'d like to see the random factory greatly decresed, though, so most players have similar recipes (such as Hull must always be made out of various \"metal\" alloys, and Power Blocks will always require Awsomite as the reactor core, or things like that).
Different hand-helds besides a \"point+damage\" would be awesome! Maybe add things like Hacking Tools (for locked PlexDoors), Flashlights, Stun Gun, and such things. Maybe also placeable explosives, for better ship-to-ship boarding parties?
How about this - buff small/single AMC arrays by increasing their fireing rate and projectile speed, then reverse the rate of fire by adding AMC blocks (so single AMC blocks have the lowest firepower, but fasted fireing speed). Then add a small amount of damage absorption to shields. This will...
I would like to see straight line in the navigation as well. Very often it leads you around blocky paths to get to somewhere fairly close - especially when you are in a big ship.
Add a shipwright block that has 2 functions - building new ships with blueprints, and repairing other ships with their blueprint. When \"docked\" and the shipwright block has power+supplies, the ship has blocks added to it according to blueprint specifications and has any other blocks repaired...
This is why big ships should have awful acceleration. Play any other space-based combat game with captial ships. Only in StarMade can large ships accelerate as fast as fighters. Yes, it\'s fun. But it create *so* many issues. A. Server lag attempting to process a capship accelerating+turning...
Server seems friendly, haven\'t seen it down at all since joining. Nice spawn, all the planets and shops I\'ve seen so far are intact. Doesn\'t seem to be much PvP (at the moment), blueprints are allowed, and spawn shop is kept well stocked with items.
I think inventory should be weight based. There is no reason you could carry 10,000 black hull blocks + 10,000 red hull blocks, but not 20,000 of either. Then, cargo ships actually full of items would have of a mass factor when going through space.
Because of this thing called \"momentum\". Big ships should have their acceleration and turn rate seriously nerfed. Like, a lot a lot. If ships in real life could turn or accelerate a mere fraction of equivilent sized naval boats on earth, tug boats would never have been invented, and it...
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