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    1. kiddan

      Rejected Basement Universe

      But, daddy. I want my tiny transport shuttle to have working Tic Tac Toe inside! :(
    2. kiddan

      Rejected Basement Universe

      It has an infinite range as far as I'm concerned, my problem is that I want to keep the logic loaded without a player being there. :confused:
    3. kiddan

      Rejected Basement Universe

      If this suggestion is rejected please do tell me admins could have a command to keep a sector loaded some time in the future! Imagine being able to have a working game of Pong in your frigate without needing the cubic-meter-sized logic blocks filling it up. Instead the admins could have a sector...
    4. kiddan

      Read by Schine Bring Back Physical Unlinked Cargo

      Only eleven Agree ratings? Let's make that twelve! I used unlinked cargo for decor all the time, I don't want to stuff literal tons of items into a storage unit to see Kupu's beautiful storage crate textures. :eek:
    5. kiddan

      Implemented Jump Down to Main Core

      This would definitely be a lot more intuitive, Down should move you down and only down.
    6. kiddan

      Bug Enemy ship positions shift around erratically.

      Dang this hasn't been fixed yet? I remember having this bug back when dodecahedron planets were just new. o_O
    7. kiddan

      Recognized by Council Build helper - segments

      I think the word you are looking for is one you used after saying you had no idea: :p I'd like this a lot, maybe have it be a sub-part of the paste tool, allowing the player to choose to place a row of the current clipboard?
    8. kiddan

      Planned Starmade loading screens

      How about something like a digital newspaper with relatable and interesting, though fake, news related to Starmade lore? There could be wonderful Kupu art and everything!
    9. kiddan

      StarMade v0.197.51 - Third big round of fixes

      Almost half of these bugs are ones I would have reported if someone else didn't beat me to it, lol. I'm really gonna notice a whole lot of these fixes, thanks so much!
    10. kiddan

      Kupu's thread

      Hooray! You really do work magic, you know that? ;) Now we will be able to put Jump Inhibitor Modules along our cannon barrels for some real cool looks!
    11. kiddan

      Deus [ex Machina] : Titan Hybrid Carrier

      Looks cool and, being a hybrid, it should (hopefully) work very well too! Mining drones would probably be a good investment, if they don't come at a great cost why not invest in a possible future feature? One thing though, isn't it less efficient to have those power capacitors in tubes like...
    12. kiddan

      Implemented Uber-fast build mode movement

      Agreed, we really need more control over this stuff without having to edit the config file, it's a freaking build block! And while we're on the topic of Build Mode control, would a teleport feature to go to the block you're looking at when in Build Mode be possible too?
    13. kiddan

      Read by Schine Accelerometer (Logic Block)

      True, if accelerometer worked that way. An efficient accelerometer should have settings, such as what speed the ship must move in what direction before sending a logic signal.
    14. kiddan

      Read by Schine Accelerometer (Logic Block)

      It would be for transport shuttles that don't primarily park in space, but rather in a station or on a planet. ;) It would also detect that you've slowed down if you dock to a rail, so planetary use isn't restricted to collision-reliant landing.
    15. kiddan

      Suggestion Require Purchasing The Game To Vote

      At that rate Schine should encourage alt accounts voting, they could get rich off all those election-riggers! But honestly, requiring purchasing of the game wouldn't really be a bad idea. If anyone did buy the game multiple times to rig the election it would be a pretty rare occurrence.
    16. kiddan

      Read by Schine Accelerometer (Logic Block)

      Imagine this controlling landing gear! When you go below a certain speed (or maybe when you fly downwards with Q or Shift (or whatever the new keybind is)) your gear could flip down, once you completely stop moving the doors would open, and when you fly everything closes up for you automatically!
    17. kiddan

      Starmade memes

      Wait, lemme guess. You have a bunch of Pokéball ships that launch out Pokémon and leave them floating around everywhere? :p
    18. kiddan

      Read by Council Boarding Controls

      This would be pretty nice, maybe it could also throw the player away from the ship core with a slight momentum? I'm not sure it would be nice to have another keybind without more than one or two used though. Maybe use and existing keybind work differently while inside the ship, such as the sit key?
    19. kiddan

      Kupu's thread

      I've got an idea! Why not keep the activator, button, etc the same shape and all but have a different de-activated colour for each one? Players would be able to remember the colour of the button area and they still look similar enough that the activator-like function is implied.
    20. kiddan

      Read by Council Boarding Controls

      Eh, I thought about mentioning them. But the OP was more annoyed with the confirmation window for when you leave the ship, so I decided not to. But yea, you probably could make up for any time lost from that popup with the grapple beam! :)