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    1. JumpSuit

      WarpGate Enhancements

      I don't mean to sound rude, but isn't that stealing? Kinda screwed up... but at least you credited my suggestion, so your forgiven.
    2. JumpSuit

      WarpGate Enhancements

      Now, I come up with brilliant ideas about everyday, some I throw on the table. Others still hang within my closet in the back-end of my mind. But, this one in particular is Unique I suppose. The idea is the implementation of StarGates, Similar to that of WarpGates currently in-game, the key...
    3. JumpSuit

      Implemented New Logic Block "Randomizer"

      Randomizer Block, not Random block. Now I only revived this thread so I could let that fantastic guy know to change tags to what it is needed to be respectively. Please end the replies and let this thread age with the rest. Already said that before you did Nightrune bud.
    4. JumpSuit

      Implemented New Logic Block "Randomizer"

      I believe this needs 'Implemented' tag Criss
    5. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      That was my 2nd option in my previous message, I thought you would get the 'OR' hint that there was going to be another option, guess I was mistaken...
    6. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Well that would be something perhaps a branch of the council could be created for to log into a server every now and again to check the look of the emblems, OR have server moderators do the checkups. I'd prefer idea two of mine as it gives a more reason to have server moderators more utilized...
    7. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Can't seem to make it to only one response, sorry bro.
    8. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      My way of implementing these features is using a type of emblem list or creator to make your own emblems within game or from pictures externally from the game. Once set within the faction menu it will be listed across players, ships, stations and center of faction owned systems within the galaxy...
    9. JumpSuit

      Fleet Combat Idea

      All seem like commands and features I would certainly use.
    10. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Yay for good suggestion? haha
    11. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Wait, emblem in your signature?
    12. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Perhaps, acording to the dev timeline they plan to do a faction overhaul. maybe emblems will be added then?
    13. JumpSuit

      [Suggestion] Sensor block functions expended

      I agree to all the suggestions, Useful for logistics.
    14. JumpSuit

      blueprint and template folders

      i hope you know there really isn't no reason to put folders into folders, theres aleady a templates and blueprints folder, just organize your bps and templates in alphabetical order, and the 1st example you listed the "Aesthetic_shippart_dimensions_Function.smtpl", the .smtpl stands for StarMade...
    15. JumpSuit

      Less Complicated Weapon Customization Systems

      Well, the system you proclaim seems to much grinding for my own tastes, for automation, lots of factories and weapons would ahve to be used in order for this to work. I say good idea, needs work though. perhaps a different way of creating the pistols that are less grinding to get.
    16. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Well "permanent" or not, it should be something added as it is part of the general faction uses. The current faction system is pretty good for what it is, but improvements are always noticable and simple to add. I see no reason why not to add them, even switching factions, whats wrong with that...
    17. JumpSuit

      Faction Emblems

      Now, there maybe a few other ideas on the forums about this, but Faction Emblems should be implemented as is can diverse factions more and boost morale perhaps. Another thing useful is if implemented the emblem should appear in center of faction systems in galaxy to help designate factions...
    18. JumpSuit

      I am curious about some of the stuff you have showed in your shipyard thread. Yet, no real way...

      I am curious about some of the stuff you have showed in your shipyard thread. Yet, no real way to grasp it. For example: Vault door or ship status display. Will you ever release any of it eventually? If so, the question is when.
    19. JumpSuit

      New content may get posted eventually, stay tuned!

      New content may get posted eventually, stay tuned!
    20. JumpSuit

      I am progressing quickly on said server, Perhaps Ideas have been used from your suggestions...

      I am progressing quickly on said server, Perhaps Ideas have been used from your suggestions. Could use your help on my new station buildign currently, could use your help on it.