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    1. W

      Brainstorm This Better Faction War System?

      It could be improved in diferent ways depending on witch way the games wants to go: 1) Do something like eve where you have a "high sec" space where no pvp peaple could stay with invulnerability, but sharing the system with others. 2) Force players to use faction points to make his base...
    2. W

      A way to "build by plane" like in starforge.

      There would be nice to have a option on advanced build like there is in other similar games like starforge. Like the one in starforge where when you hold the mouse button on a face you can drag it into any direction "continuing" the face to any side, it helps and improve a lot building ships and...
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      Taking lot from npcs dont go to ships cargo.

      When you salvage npcs the content goes to the ship cargo if correctly linked. But when you pass thought the loot in space it goes to your inventory, there should be a option to get it into your ships cargo, its boring to every lot you get, to stop the ship, press R to enter the ship and store...
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      Ratting ( npc pirate killing) salvage ship cores problem.

      When you are salvaging a bunch of dead pirates ships ( using a salvage ship), it gets a lot of useless ship cores flying in space getting salvage job boring, it should be a feature to destroy this cores when the mass of the salvaged ship reduces ( because of salvaging ), of even a option to...
    5. W

      [SOLVED] Getting to the bottom of the 100% loading crash

      Hi, I am having this issue. The game crashs after it loads 100%, the buttons spawn and exit do desktop shows, but its freezed. I did notice that it happens after I landed in a planet with a shuttle comming from a big ship in orbit. Other worlds I have works normally, follow the informations ...