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    1. Xskyth

      ALL blueprints are enemy useable when i start a new world in single player

      yes, but those options are for blueprints NOT in the catalog. when i start a new world all the blueprints already in the catalog are useable by all. How do i make it so that they are useable by none, without having to change them each manually, one by one?
    2. Xskyth

      ALL blueprints are enemy useable when i start a new world in single player

      I started a new world for some... R&D.... anyway, when I went to see my test sub... i mean volun.... i mean some pirates attacked me... yeah, I noticed that they were flying turrets and such instead of Isaniths. Is there a way to make it so that when i start a new world that either no ships are...
    3. Xskyth

      Mining and Asteroid Changes

      yes :D
    4. Xskyth

      Mining and Asteroid Changes

      -.- -.- -.- angry much? i get that some of you hate this idea. thats cool. hate it. but if you are going to have so much to say, why not state some alternatives? you know, make it CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, not destructive/disruptive. Reviire said that the idea was open for discussion. so discuss...
    5. Xskyth

      Read by Schine A few more Galaxy Map improvements...

      you can already. if you select the setor, there is a plot path to current button on the bottom bar.
    6. Xskyth

      Brainstorm This Weapon Combination Tweaks

      i would add slightly decreased accuracy for cannon slave instead of decreased range, if possible.
    7. Xskyth

      TIE Fighter - New visual and double weapon power!

      used slabs to make look less rectangular. and with a slight increase in mass and slight decrease in power i s able to double the dps of the laser cannons. New stats! Mass: 14.9 (Blocks: 212) L: 7m H: 9m W: 9m Power: 50,000 (2836 e/sec) Thrust: 81.8 Rotation: 8.8, 7.7, 7.4 Shields: too...
    8. Xskyth

      Dev Blog : October 20th 2015

      so any ideas on when we will get more options to spend faction points?
    9. Xskyth

      Dev Blog : October 20th 2015

      if the shields on my ship have to drop for me to transport off, wouldn't the ship i am transporting to have to have its shields down also?o_O
    10. Xskyth

      Recognized Exploration/System Bonuses and Actual Empire Building

      Can't agree more! :D Maybe even as an added role playing element, randomly generated player character races with randomly generated bonuses, and penalties for balance. Perhaps just one of each. For instance: Bonuses: mining bonus buying and or selling bonus at shops faster jump drive charge...
    11. Xskyth

      Dev Blog : October 20th 2015

      wait, racing.... collision damage without massive lag? THAT would make the racing fun!
    12. Xskyth

      Dev Blog : October 20th 2015

      is there a Bobbie Bookie block with the race track? :D
    13. Xskyth

      The EE2 Project

      You giving 180% is unsatisfactory. Pedal faster. :p
    14. Xskyth

      The EE2 Project

      ETA on when the server will be online? i know you are working hard, and we are all anxiously waiting to see this new masterpiece :D
    15. Xskyth

      Read by Schine Jump Drive as a Slave and Master System: Charge lasers, jump drive diversity, and more!

      well that, and make it only take whole entities. i bet taking part of a ship would cause massive lag. but, it would be f***ing awesome to quarter a titan, like they used to do to people with horses :p
    16. Xskyth

      Brainstorm This My Two Cents on Turret AI

      YES target priority+ firing arcs
    17. Xskyth

      AI Ship Spawning ideas - Transmitter Beacon, Wormholes, Jump Drives, etc

      how about this: AI/ MOB Patrol Ships must have faction home base will patrol same faction system will only patrol one system and will not leave it one time cost faction points to set up cost faction points to maintain will come to the aid of any same faction ship...
    18. Xskyth

      Read by Schine Jump Drive as a Slave and Master System: Charge lasers, jump drive diversity, and more!

      jump drive+ pulse = Jump Bubble looonnnggg recharge, longer range jump, area of effect jump bubble Creates a bubble that will take everything in it with the jumping ship. bubble diameter could be determined by the number of modules and the size of the jumping ship. Kinda like in Robotech/...
    19. Xskyth

      Brainstorm This Controllable & Grouped Turrets

      Have a target painting computer block. 1. you can have many on one ship 2. you can link any number of bobby AIs to them 3. place computer on hot bar and name it 4. target enemy, activate computer 5. bobby AIs will attack until target is destroyed or target painting computer is turned off say...