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    1. Koloss_Meshuggah

      Utility Beams And A Better Repair System

      I like the shiprepair idea. Maybe everytime you exit build mode the game saves a kind of \"blueprint\" of you ship, then when you use a repair beam, the game reads the blueprint and adds blocks from your inventory. I get really tired of rebuilding my ship everytime I run into pirates, and my...
    2. Koloss_Meshuggah

      Custom AI Factions

      I so want this to be posible. I spent a whole day trying to find a way to do this, but unfortunatly found it is imposible as of how the game is now. The isanth doesn\'t go with my style and it is too hard of a ship to fight. I wanted to make custom friendly ships, custom pirate ships, and a...
    3. Koloss_Meshuggah

      Turn boosters

      I came up with the same idea after I first started playing. I don\'t see how this could be hard to implement, the option for look sensitivity does the same thing, it would just be controlled by the number of turning blocks instead. Large ships should still have to have turning momentum though...