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    1. Saber

      Starmade and 3d decorations.

      I wanted to address a few things that have been coming up in this thread. Creatures are not just going to be a gimmick, it will be a core game feature that will tie in with starmade's gameplay. I can't tell you everything that they'll be able to do because I'm not a programmer, however I will be...
    2. Saber

      Starmade and 3d decorations.

      While there will certainly be additional decorations added to StarMade, they are at a very low priority level. At this stage of development we are focusing heavily on core game features, for example the fauna system, which is currently being worked on. After which focus may shift to other areas...
    3. Saber

      Modernized Skid Racing

      I'm glad to see there's still interest in this! I was actually able to maintain the proper ratio of one thruster racers by bringing the mass up to around 7.5, but I'm curious how it would run with just push/pull modules. If any of you are interested I could try and get my most recent in-progress...
    4. Saber

      Hey thanks for the heads up man! I have reported this video so hopefully it will be taken down soon.

      Hey thanks for the heads up man! I have reported this video so hopefully it will be taken down soon.
    5. Saber

      Charon 2.0 - A WIP super titan [Update 5 : new medium turret]

      Yeah that would have sent some things flying. =P
    6. Saber

      Forum Badge Update

      Nicely done Bench. :) Love them, now I've gotta get 'em all!
    7. Saber

      Nova Fleet Dynamics - Building a better future today! (Nest of Orion faction)

      Hey everybody! Thanks for your interest in our server! To answer a few questions yes our size soft-cap is 1km, but anything over that simply needs to be approved by an admin. If it's a giant 1km^3 brick with a bunch of drones, it won't be approved, but a nice looking +1km long ship shouldn't be...
    8. Saber

      Star Offset

      Stars actually are offset. It isn't every one, but if you look at the galaxy map and look down the "rows" of stars you'll see that a fair number of them vary in their position. It isn't a lot of them, nor is it an extreme difference, but it does occur.
    9. Saber

      Thanks Duke! Honored to be included. :)

      Thanks Duke! Honored to be included. :)
    10. Saber

      Bad Luck Thread

      I think that would be an excellent way to interact with others. Request a transport, or even just ask someone to take out the station. People seem to love having reasons to fight our pirates. :)
    11. Saber

      Bad Luck Thread

      Ask an admin, they'd be more than happy to provide you with another power supply gun and possibly a core. They know pirates and stations are a bit OP so will be understanding.
    12. Saber

      Starmade Wallpaper FHD

      The logo work is excellent, because of that I'd recommend having a less busy background. Using just a nebula/starfield would help make your logo pop and it wouldn't be lost among everything else that's going on behind it. Basically you want to decide what you want your focus to be, if you want...
    13. Saber

      Implemented Save player relative to ship upon logout

      I'm fairly certain that the feature originally suggested has since (or always?) been planned, so no worries everybody. :)
    14. Saber

      StarSide Blood and Steel Tournament

      Once submissions are officially finalized we can throw together an official team list here on this thread.
    15. Saber

      StarSide Blood and Steel Tournament

      If this is in fact a command Raiben may know about it, but it's definitely news to me. We will however be doing whatever we can to ensure the downtime is at an absolute minimum for bringing in fresh ships for each round. Trust me, we don't want to wait any longer than you do. =P
    16. Saber

      StarSide Blood and Steel Tournament

      The tournament will be live-streamed by Raiben and myself on a multitwitch at Twitch TV ( and I will be creating highlight reels from the footage I take from the stealthcam. As far as being in server to observe, that is limited to competitors who are...
    17. Saber

      StarSide Blood and Steel Tournament

      Just over a week left to get your ship rack's submitted!!!
    18. Saber

      Help Creating Good Looking Ships

      ^This. Even if you're only sketching out one part of a ship, it can inspire the look of the entire rest of your vessel. I've sketched out a cockpit before, and come up with an entire ship off of that one rough idea. You don't have to be good at drawing, just enough to remind yourself of the...
    19. Saber

      Starmade speedbuild: #5 Bolt shuttle part 2

      Short and sweet, 10 seconds or less. =) I've been planning on doing one of my own as well, but never get around to it. Also, it's a good thing I changed my ship name from gladius to spartan =P haha
    20. Saber

      Sitting/Entering Core Tip

      Hey everybody, So I imagine some of you are already aware of this, but for those who aren't I wanted to make it known. Let's say you have a fighter, in the cockpit you have a wedge for a seat, and above and behind that is your core. If you sit on the wedge (using O) and look back at the core...