Good point. So "in theory" they must be absolutely swamped with spaghetti at this point, since one thing inevitably leads to another and it spirals out of control so easily.
So pushing low density, became an issue briefly on one server. Once, a while back. Not even actual spaghetti, just people pushing the low density envelope. Sounds like it kinda-sorta qualifies as one acute incident. I assume that NaStral was able to handle it? I also assume that it hasn't...
Assuming catastrophically incompetent admins, perhaps. Theoretically.
In fact it's never happened though and probably never will.
Oh I've seen spaghetti.
I never said what you're reading me as having said.
I said I've never seen it become a problem for a multiplayer server.
Have you?
It's not even vaguely similar - you've ignored his point entirely and read only the support for his premise. That he hasn't seen the problem on a server.
Have you seen spaghetti cause a problem for players on an MP server? Has anyone? Ever?
Because there is no problem.
His point was...
Because there's still a lot of fun in it. At least the ship-building, for me. Combat looks to be fun again when the new weapons in the dev build finish balancing as well.
There are a lot of crash bugs in the current dev. I reported a bug where my client crashes every time I try to "Shift+V" to mass-connect things (e.g. doors) to an activation module. There are more crashes in general as well and not all of them so easy to pin down.
I still play 5-10 hours a week. The new systems are are fun, but not developed enough to "play" in multiplayer. So I tinker in Single Player. Getting a decent feel for putting new sub-systems together - it definitely changes the way ships are put together quite a bit. As mentioned, when the...
Ah, this again!
It's been a while. This is patently false, by the way. The new reactors are as morphically flexible now as the old reactors were.
I mean, you're apparently somewhat new... so maybe you didn't have a lot of experience with the old reactors, but you could build a single...
I'm aware they have broad experience. Perhaps you've noticed that also they seem to have extreme difficulty tapping that experience to realize when the combat mechanics being implemented aren't actually trying to achieve the goals they are thrashing them for not achieving though. It's hard to...
Yeah, I realized as I responded that I wasn't really sure where my assumption on that is coking from. I will definitely respond with links or test data if I lock it down. And enter in in the wiki.
This is true. I think it would be a good idea to run systems by the playtesters before implementing.
The problem with relying on the playtesters for design input seems to be that because they are generally players and not designers, they often can't see past their own personal playstyles and...
Also - I played with putting some new salvagers up in long lines they way we used to do... they keep a decent integrity up to 50x1, and if you shoot the module in half, each remaining piece actually has better integrity so I'm not even really sure what the issue is. It seems as if I could set up...
Personally, I just can't even imagine the numbers for harvest amount being an issue of backward/forward. It's like saying that reactors are priced at $1M per unit and that seems like way too much, but reducing the price to $100K/unit is a step "backwards." It occurs to me that P1 mining may have...
I didn't realize that that was the crux of the issue. It doesn't seem like an issue to me though, which may be why. Reactors are too tenacious, OK. Making other systems more readily terminated might be nice. It seems more natural to be shooting for vitals to cripple or kill than to just spray a...
I'm not sure we can expect a major revision of how systems work and expect to use the same build or even mining techniques.
Mining works just fine P2, you just have to build differently. The ship shown would work fine in P1, but we can't replicate the exact same beam array patterns you used in...
No. It doesn't.
Not even close.
Ships are super robust. Not having max integrity doesn't mean your system is made of glass.
It may seem that way, but combat testing so far is showing ships even without perfect integrity being waaay too hard to kill. It is fine for your system integrities to...
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