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    1. Jaaskinal

      Disable Ion/overdrive effect for lock ons

      The only difference being that you can use multiple different weapons of different types, and that having 100% ion would mean that it would take half the size (and power requirements) to equal the same alpha. The question kind of comes down to whether having one really big explosive missile...
    2. Jaaskinal

      Game Balance Suggestions

      Reduce the base power storage of entities from 50,000 to 5,000.
    3. Jaaskinal

      Game Balance DISCUSSION

      It should probably be changed to a total thruster count instead of a total thrust count to combat docked thrust, unless this is intentional, in which case it's kinda cool. Like docked reactors, but different.
    4. Jaaskinal

      The Odium Pact

      There's three AA members and BH on Odium TS right now in the =Atlas Armaments= room. Maybe, but they still seem to use this one quite a bit :P
    5. Jaaskinal

      The Odium Pact

      There's still Koma, and AA seems like they're still using the Odium Pact teamspeak. Peace through economic dependency, is the only lasting peace. Communication bonds players stronger than association.
    6. Jaaskinal

      The Thryn [recruiting]

      Jinxified :P Pink and teal look good together.
    7. Jaaskinal

      The Thryn [recruiting]

      I made a bit of progress on the Gagarin; I'm still shit at pretty much every part of building it though.
    8. Jaaskinal

      Trinova Technologies: Join Today! (NFD-Trident Industries merger)

      So... Trinova Technologies...Tri Nova Tech...TNT? TNT.
    9. Jaaskinal


      Welcome back?
    10. Jaaskinal

      Add Ship Velocity to Projectiles/DPS

      Projectile additive velocity is what it's called in the server.cfg, it alters cannons speed and direction, but doesn't work with beams (duh) and doesn't work with missiles because missiles reset velocity every tick. As for doing more damage for going faster, seems cool, but that would result in...
    11. Jaaskinal

      Server Side Chat settings.

      I think even having faction chat localized (possibly system dependent or otherwise range-dependent) would be cool. Especially if wireless logic retains it's non-range based properties, forcing communications over long distances to have to be engineered :P
    12. Jaaskinal

      Damage Beams still using too much power???

      IIRC it's 55 seconds, better alpha than missile/beam. I'll check and get back and edit this if I'm wrong.
    13. Jaaskinal

      Damage Beams still using too much power???

      Just a slight bit of math to help you, but if it's a 1:1 beam/pulse system, every block (and I mean every block, no just the ones in the main weapon, but the ones in the secondary weapon as well (and this extends to effects as long as it's not overdrive, that'd make it takes 6x more power))...
    14. Jaaskinal

      Read by Council Cores as multi block structures in larger ships

      IIRC it has a tiny bit of HP and armor but that's all.
    15. Jaaskinal

      Read by Council Cores as multi block structures in larger ships

      If coring were still a thing this might be useful, but since the HP system has been implemented, and the CoM rotation system, cores are really only used for two things. Piloting and boarding, given some of the news on chairs/crews, its role in those may be diminished.
    16. Jaaskinal

      Animated Vault Door

      I had a look at this, and I decided to try to make it better. The main things I didn't like was the use of delays (I don't like using them with rails, they just don't work well together) and the janky (for lack of a better word) animation on the handle. The VaultDoor_TestBed was my first...
    17. Jaaskinal

      Vote for your prefered cargo-container size!

      The only issue now with USD is magnetic docking. It is very difficult to dock two USD's together because of how they're typically flush with the hull. Once they are together though, they work very well.
    18. Jaaskinal


      It's been a while since I've done anything of actual value on this thread, and I've been meaning to do this for about two moths, but now seems like an OK time. This is moderately simple stuff (harder than getting doors to work, but not something any logic enthusiast will really care to read...
    19. Jaaskinal

      The Thryn [recruiting]

      I might try my hand at making a larger ship sometime. Hopefully it won't look as shit as my ships typically do.
    20. Jaaskinal

      Disable Ion/overdrive effect for lock ons

      It likely wouldn't be that extreme, but it would be a slight bit better. Right now all ships die over 50% structure HP, it's just that smaller ships die at something like 50.01% structure hp, and larger ships die at higher percentages. I've never particularly kept track of what percent certain...