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    1. Biostrakk110

      The Tartaran Empire- Recruitment OPEN

      ~~Application form: IGN: Biostrakk110 Age: 14 Strengths in Starmade: Piloting(Medium sized ships until I get a better PC), politics, ship building/designing Desired section(e.g. Military): Military, Politics Timezone: PST How often are you online? 2-3 hours mon-thur, 4 hours Friday, 5 hours...
    2. Biostrakk110

      The Final Battle Vaygr vs DFN

      You can\'t really be winning a war against ships that have no pilots. You always attack when nobody is there, which is really coward of you. It is not fair because you fight unfairly anyway, so YOU should have all of your ships taken off NASS if you lose. Then it would be fair
    3. Biostrakk110

      The Final Battle Vaygr vs DFN

      Marching band is very time-consuming, but it is worth it in the end. My sister\'s marching band plays their music beautifully.
    4. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      Wait a second.... The RA is dead? HOW? WHEN? WHY?
    5. Biostrakk110

      VFW Forte Hijinx Photo Contest!

      I have a GIGANTIC ship that I am working on right now, and it is taking up all my time too.
    6. Biostrakk110

      VFW Forte Hijinx Photo Contest!

      I have been inspired by Fortius\' picture and will submit an entry soon :D
    7. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      What server is this on? What sector is it at also?
    8. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      How about Turris Aureus? It means Golden Tower in Latin. Or maybe Occursus Platea? Meeting place in Latin. Or maybe Platea Pax? Place of Peace in Latin. Good ol Latin!!!
    9. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      I don\'t know why Miraak won\'t agree with us. All because of one person...... this sounds familiar.... ;). Also I agree that a tower wouldn\'t fit, a massive embassy would be better, or just a large meeting place.
    10. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      Awesome idea! I would love to participate! :D
    11. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      Also the reason I haven\'t said anything until now is cause I was off all day
    12. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      Time for what I am supposed to say: My apologies Obi for insulting you when I left the faction. I was just so angry that you made the game a little boring, since you were the only server I played on at the time. You prohibited building and customization, which is what the game is all about, got...
    13. Biostrakk110

      A TREATY between the SR, the DFN, A&S, GR, USF, FS, SATURN, BA, UEI, DE, RA, and the UAF

      Why didn\'t I think of this before? Nice idea Debris
    14. Biostrakk110

      [REQUEST] USS Vengeance

      I do like having wedges to smooth out the edges, but in some cases (like this) Some angles look bad with wedges. I will use wedges on the sides when I do the circles though.
    15. Biostrakk110

      [REQUEST] USS Vengeance

      Ah I see I understand what he said now. Also I am working on the Vengeance right now.
    16. Biostrakk110

      [REQUEST] USS Vengeance

      Actually a sector is not 200 blocks, I think it is more like 1000 to 1500m
    17. Biostrakk110

      the sky masters want you

      Try to make this sound more appealing and organized. Then people might be interested
    18. Biostrakk110

      [REQUEST] USS Vengeance

      Go to this link at about this time every day to see my daily progress.
    19. Biostrakk110

      [REQUEST] USS Vengeance

      Yes, it is at the back of the saucer. If I don\'t want it there I can use SMedit to move it.