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    1. Vyor

      Railgun, Archer Missiles and Beam Idea

      Because this game has a different aesthetic from anime.
    2. Vyor

      Static Electricity

      I thought that those lightning ball things were in a vacuum?
    3. Vyor

      Railgun, Archer Missiles and Beam Idea

      This is a sci fi game, not anime. These are 2 different styles.
    4. Vyor

      Static Electricity

      Not true.
    5. Vyor

      Reason for having an interior

      You are enforcing conformity onto 2 different sizes of ships? Generally, smaller ships have less rooms, this balances out the ratio. I am just saying that it shouldn't be a straight buff. As a game dev, I make it my business to avoid those whenever possible(leveling up weapons won't give a...
    6. Vyor

      Reason for having an interior

      But smaller ships are going to have less of them having an interior anyway(ratio wise)! Use mass, not size! I see them actually doing things, fixing parts, firing weapons with more accuracy(specifically turrets), things like that.
    7. Vyor

      Reason for having an interior

      Already showed the math on this. The ability difference is tiny. Show me a million black ship with over 10k decoration blocks that can't be scaled down (a solid mass of crystal can be made hollow for instance), and we'll talk.
    8. Vyor

      High Mass vs Low Mass-FTL Balance

    9. Vyor

      Reason for having an interior

      What disadvantage? Remember, it has to be the same mass.
    10. Vyor

      Reason for having an interior

      Let me put this another way since you all seem to be completely god damned brain dead: You do not need to add something to incentivise something that is already done!!!
    11. Vyor

      High Mass vs Low Mass-FTL Balance

    12. Vyor

      High Mass vs Low Mass-FTL Balance

      try to fly a good thirty seconds in 1 direction without having anything pop up in your radar thing... next come back and inform me that this task is impossible...
    13. Vyor

      A few changes, FAR easier than my original suggestion.

      But you wouldn't gain anything from doing that... you gain a tactical advantage that makes big ships even more powerful with your other suggestion.
    14. Vyor

      A few changes, FAR easier than my original suggestion.

      It's less intrusive, adds a nice feature, and fixes a problem.
    15. Vyor

      Bounty Hunting Ideas (Long Term)

    16. Vyor

      A few changes, FAR easier than my original suggestion.

      I like this far better than your previous one.
    17. Vyor

      Bounty Hunting Ideas (Long Term)

      No captures... to many points of failure(code wise).
    18. Vyor

      Inhabited Planets

      pretty sure they plan on doing this...
    19. Vyor

      Turning radius

      That's thanks to it's design. An acclimation turns much faster at only a slight increase in length...
    20. Vyor

      Bounty Hunting Ideas (Long Term)

      I was thinking that it could be fired at a ship... that would be cool... I don't like the cuffs idea, takes someone out of the game too long, and would break from someone just leaving the game.