Search results

    1. Mr. V

      Viability and shape of dangerous stealth ships?

      Every block in the ship drains the power for stealth ... Even Power modules can wind up hurting your stealth capability if they're not part of a large enough and efficiently built reactor :) I put together a spreadsheet specifically to crunch math earlier this year for power generation on...
    2. Mr. V

      In Developement Cockpits: Simple solution (remote core access)

      oooOOOooOOOo I want a space-lazyboy cockpit chair! And awesome idea on making a non-chair block that can have chairs, or wedges, or otherwise linked to them to act as the "chair"! That seems a lot more versatile in implementation than previous suggestions I've seen for cockpits in general
    3. Mr. V

      Developer Q&A - November 2014

      Lol - I was counting warfare in general as a subset of "social interaction" :D "War is the continuation of politics by other means" -- Clausewitz and (speaking as a prior-service missileer) we totally need nukes in this game!
    4. Mr. V

      Smart Jump Drive

      You will jump in a straight line from the point you are facing as long as you do not have a waypoint selected. If you select a waypoint (from the galaxy map that comes up from pressing "P") or manually type a waypoint in to the navigation tab - you will automatically jump in a straight line...
    5. Mr. V

      Developer Q&A - November 2014

      awww... you guys are pretty swell too :D I would agree that the destruction of blocks is an infinite "out" - but it makes sense to have infinite outs for an economy (like fossil fuels... although I still argue those are technically renewable...). Infinite "in" devalues everything through...
    6. Mr. V

      Developer Q&A - November 2014

      nah, I just fake it well ;)
    7. Mr. V

      Developer Q&A - November 2014

      In the last news update concerning the change to buying with Blocks - Schema pointed out that, "Something that basically generates blocks from nothing is an infinite "in" which is ok for creative, but not ok in any other setting". This makes a lot of sense to me and was something I had not...
    8. Mr. V

      In Developement Cockpits: Simple solution (remote core access)

      I completely agree :D We need cockpit chairs I recently started logic connecting clocks to Push effect computers so that I could wander around ships while flying somewhere... or just sit in my oversized wedge chair and press logic buttons to do random inane stuff while hoping a glitch...
    9. Mr. V

      Trade Ships?

      Schema's last news update spoke a lot about moving away from the game creating "blocks from nothing". It seems like the next logical step would be to find a way to better account for a few other areas that cause blocks to appear: - ai ship spawning - ai ship loot drops - shop re-supply ...
    10. Mr. V

      An accident waiting to happen.

      You sir, are my new hero! I've never noticed that before... probably because I have a habit of entering faction signatures on everything as soon as I spawn it - almost indefinitely followed by faction signing it again after dock because I'm scared I might have forgot to do it initially... it's...
    11. Mr. V

      Blueprint Autobuying

      This would definitely be nice -- would also be extremely helpful to most people that use a shop at their home base as a means of storage ;)
    12. Mr. V

      An accident waiting to happen.

      I personally enjoy putting faction modules at the forward end of turrets - that way when I spawn a new ship and go to set the faction blocks on the turrets - there's an off chance I might get shot in the face if pirates decide to spawn at just the wrong line of sight
    13. Mr. V

      Making Small Ships More Viable

      The current thrust towards manufacturing/procuring materials to build ships makes me think that most players will likely be flying smaller ships for quite some time when starting a new game. This made me think that maybe there should be some alternate systems specifically to support small...
    14. Mr. V

      Heat Sinks

      I think a few people touched on the solution -- make a support "weapon" that deploys chaff The deployed chaff would scatter in the direction it was shot and temporarily exist for the sole purpose of attracting heat seaking missiles. it could have a slow cooldown time so that you could only...
    15. Mr. V

      Fake Complexity/Additional Weapon System

      I like the idea of adding optional complexity into the existing weapon system (and possibly other areas as well). The suggestions of AtraUnum and revised suggestion of Zone 1135 to make something that doesn't obsolete current builds while providing the option of going further in depth for...
    16. Mr. V

      Blueprint Loader Factory Block

      I wouldn't think slowly spawning a ship would be much, if any more of a lag issue than outright magic-ing large ships into existence on an extremely frequent basis -- as was seen in the previous buy-with-credits default. If they do this right it might look cool and actually reduce lag :D You...
    17. Mr. V

      Inclusive Gaming

      ... a futuristic universe without females... between this and the recent buy-with-blocks change, whatever will I squander all my hard-earned space cash-money on???? Beyond that you raise a valid point - I'm seriously offended that the easily customizable/changeable default Dave skin doesn't...
    18. Mr. V

      What do do with all the mining waste?

      I think this is a excellent idea. I'm kind of a hoarder though... so I'd probably never use it :D ... I totally might need those 38 thousand burnt orange dirt blocks someday to make a really large radioactive greenhouse or something.
    19. Mr. V

      Buying ships with blocks as an alternative, not as a replacement

      They just added buying with blocks as the vanilla default today. I'm thinking it will make decent ships a lot less disposable than they have been (which seems kind of neat to me for a number of reasons :D ) I agree though Keptic - I think they should have the ability to allow players to opt...
    20. Mr. V

      A possible solution for cross ship logic and hotbar logic

      It seems like both the ability to trigger logic in general from the hotbar and the ability to trigger logic in docked entities could be solved if you could: 1) Trigger a camera's docking beam by linking it to logic 2) Optionally link a Logic Computer as an activation source for a logic circuit...