Search results

    1. Planr

      Time zones on planets.

      This has to be the dumbest thing I have read all day. There are no rules saying you can't use a profile picture that somebody else is using; he even took the courtesy to modify the image too, so people wouldn't get him confused with Cal. Regardless, operating on a could is foolish when you can...
    2. Planr

      Time zones on planets.

      u freakin' w0t m8 cant understand you bro. did you smoke something? also what did you do to hank hill calbiri?
    3. Planr

      Line and circle tools for Build Helper

      how do those things even remotely relate?
    4. Planr

      Line and circle tools for Build Helper

      there is a sphere tool, but it lags a lot at larger dimensions. a circle tool could be used to create larger circular objects without the build helper lagging the game by having to use a sphere tool. also, the line tool would naturally be able to be as long in any direction or angle as needed...
    5. Planr

      Line and circle tools for Build Helper

      that is not relevant. i want this to be a default feature, and there's no reason why it shouldn't be.
    6. Planr

      Line and circle tools for Build Helper

      Line and circle tools for the new build helper in adv build mode would help a LOT! Please add these, Schema!
    7. Planr

      How can I play on the dev server but retain my old stuff?

      I want to check out the space stations in the contest on the dev build server, but I need to update my game in order to join. I was wondering if there was a way for me to keep the current public build I am already playing on, while also be able to instantly switch over to playing on the dev...
    8. Planr

      Poll: How do you start your ships?

      not accurate enough. needs to be coming out of a giant spaceship-mouth with some accompanying vomit projectiles.
    9. Planr

      auto cannon

      that weapon chart is not correct and it is very outdated.
    10. Planr

      Default Pirate Station Poll

      Half the bases don't even have pictures available. This is making it awfully hard to be able to decide which ones I want to vote for.
    11. Planr

      The Tartaran Empire - Recruiting

      as long as the kiwi jumped over the moon and the fork ran away with the spoon
    12. Planr

      Poll: How do you start your ships?

      i dont really feel any of those voting options work for me. Personally, when I start a new ship these days, I prefer to sometimes first build a miniature model of that ship so I have a benchmark idea of what I want the ship to look like when done. Then, I use the measurements from that...
    13. Planr

      The Tartaran Empire - Recruiting

      so... the tartaran empire, hm? i wonder... is your mascot the tarantula, and is your official food tartar sauce? if not... should be
    14. Planr

      universe size limits

      uh yes this is a current (or upcoming) feature in the game...
    15. Planr

      My infected frigate

      I don't like it very much. Its shape is rather bland and there is little detail on it. Try adding some greebling and a better paint job to it, and get rid of those flat fat slopes all over it.
    16. Planr

      docking facing

      Yes, this is something that should be fixed as soon as possible. Currently, you could have a ship that is small enough to fit in the shape of a certain docking space size, but NOPE, you gotta go tear the ship apart and rebuild that entire sucker because the ship has to be built and oriented a...
    17. Planr

      Brainstorm This Perfect turning system - no half-assed solution

      come on schine where is the public relations...
    18. Planr

      Brainstorm This Perfect turning system - no half-assed solution

      I'm not sure I understand it enough but from what i've read it sounds like you want pretty much the same thing I do. I agree with this.
    19. Planr

      what is the piercing effect for?

      also, on the subject of piercing effect, its specifically designed for putting unwanted earrings on your enemie's ships... u should all know this -____________________-
    20. Planr

