When trying to fight through a bug I noticed a possible issue with the pentas.
Notice how the penta, above my selection frame, isn't flush with the tetras?
Now, with symmetry on the other side looks like this.
Perfect and...
Stll happens with vbo turned off so...
I guess I just don\'t get to build anything until this gets fixed, if it ever does?
I crutch on wedges alot...and the pentas and tetras were exactly what I was waiting on. Seeing as I can\'t functionally use them I am saddened. Rotating once, placing...
Shadows off
Procedural background off
Already tested the pack at its lowest resolution and bug still existed
Vsync is off for performance reasons
On a side note I used Kupu\'s cartoon texture pack a long while ago and had ZERO problems on this computer. It wasn\'t until this update that...
That is attached to the box
I don\'t have that level of control on my card.
Also, I already run in windowed mode as I can\'t run in full screen because when I alt tab out of the game it likes to crash which is attributed to my generic card and I accept. If I have to play in full screen I...
The graphics card is as up to date as it can be so there is little use telling me to update it.
Also, everthing ran in the last version perfectly. I had zero bugs that would have carried over.
there is no exact video card name. It is a generic name on a laptop. I will give it you you but it won\'t help. Also, I do not have that level of control on my card.
Before I posted screen shots I wante to make sure someone was watching.
Brb with images.
This happens in old style graphcs as well so I can\'t even escape this bug rendering any attempt at building useless.
I run zero mods and at a controlled state and have a fresh install to the newest update so I guess I am stuck no building anything till this bug is fixed.
When rotating wedges/tetras/pentas the image errors out and creates a massive line of pizes that cut across my screen at roughly a 45 degree angle. It also obscures the new rotated image.
This only happens with cartoon and realistic textures as far as I know so far. Still trying to see if I...
i have had to restore my laptop 3 times due to Starmade breakin java, which snowballed into broken other things.
It happens although the OP\'s estimated fix time is exaggerated. (It took me about 2 days of constant downloading to get all my games back on amd patchable/playbe which...
My game hud is off. That is my windowed mode because screenshots don\'t work in full screen and the f buttons don\'t work. Best I can do is printscreen on windowed mode :)
Here is the work in progress of my MWM- AVS (Automated Vehicle System) Cruiser.
Basic Frame, Base front hull complete.
Some more base hull on the back in progess. The bevels take longer than anticipated :).
Some outer armor and the central power source shell complete.
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