Search results

    1. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      [A] good to know. Turrets were not included in this design because of the fact that this sip fires salvo after salvo of spread-shot homing missiles to do massive exterior damage. I'd like a clarification on this one if you wouldn't mind. [C] Glad to see my 'spur of the moment' design seems...
    2. CaptainTaz

      Blueprinttype Converter

      Is it possible to make (Obviously small) ships into asteroids? I would love to have ship graveyards.....
    3. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      Couple of reasons. 1. Concept B wont quite work with A or C, seeing as spread heat-seeking targets turrets on your own ship. 2. All three ships are intended to be more agile than larger ships while still packing a punch. I want to not have to stay in a heavy firefight with what I'm up against on...
    4. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      Judging by the votes, C seems to be the most popular, followed by A, then B. Not quite what I expected, but what the heck, I guess I have the concept to work on this weekend. If anyone else wants to have a say at these ideas, feel free to.
    5. CaptainTaz

      Ragnarok Galaxy, Persistent RP, Dangerous Reavers, Active Community

      You have to CLICK Log-in, and it should have a register option when the pop-up appears. As for the Ixci, I'm not sure. I don't think reaver-only species can be used outside of the reavers. According to my friend Tyler, the Reavers all just go under one name to avoid shooting each other, and he...
    6. CaptainTaz

      Stock market

      Sounds pretty useless if you ask me, and damn near impossible to code in for with the registering if a ship or not, production,etc. Plus, stock is intended for funding a corporation or company that needs external funding from a lot of sources. Most servers dont have a large enough playerbase or...
    7. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      That's nuts o_o
    8. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      good to know. I believe the server I play on has it set to default, and the sectors are a 5km radius I believe. not sure if that changes anything or not. good to know that missile/beam is good on turrets through, those will be useful :3
    9. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      A may seem cheap, but look at it this way. Pros: Able to take down *most* ships (Dependant on class and size) Lots of loot Cons: Anything with more agility and turn-speed will wreck me My aim is pretty terrible Rear ambushes Y'know... I should make a pros and cons list later.... EDIT: Good...
    10. CaptainTaz

      Chat is Bugged - Just a small heads up

      I can confirm it is not working for me too
    11. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      Sounds good to me, thanks ^_^
    12. CaptainTaz

      your signature is awesome.

      your signature is awesome.
    13. CaptainTaz

      I'm so very sorry man, I've been very busy getting ready for my trip that I haven't really had...

      I'm so very sorry man, I've been very busy getting ready for my trip that I haven't really had time to do what I promised x_x
    14. CaptainTaz

      PVP ship concepts, need feedback please!

      ((Yes, I voted once for each in the poll because I couldn't see the answers. -1 for each one for total votes)) Red = Removed, Green = Edit Alright, seeing as I've been wanting to join in on PVP for a while, I've come up with several different Ship weapon layouts that I want opinions on...
    15. CaptainTaz

      Which weapons can fire through armor blocks?

      Not in front of the missiles, the CAMERA, the Thing you are looking through, not the thing you are firing.
    16. CaptainTaz

      Which weapons can fire through armor blocks?

      I think he means glass in front of your camera mate. Glass is very bugged right now and you can't see missiles through it.
    17. CaptainTaz

      Custom Pirate ships and Stations

      if you're using steam, find your /Steamapps/Common folder and click into both folders names starmade, *there should be blueprint folders there. If you're using a downloaded version, go to where you saved your launcher and open the 'Starmade' folder, the blueprint folders should be there.
    18. CaptainTaz

      All this Space?

      Homing/heatseeker missiles will lock on to allies and turrets on your ship, and shield drain beams are kinda bad. I would recommend a beam/ion effect combo for an anti-shield system, and lock-on missiles (Missiles with a beam support) As for all that empty space, I would say more shields and...
    19. CaptainTaz

      procedurally generated horror mobs

      Try having a panic attack every time something comes out of nowhere. it's not fun.
    20. CaptainTaz

      space engineers blocks (now with gattling guns :D)

      You can do that with an internal clock if you don't mind popping into build mode and activating it.