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    1. Madman198237

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      harne12312 Maybe I'm misreading your post, but that link leads to quadcopters/REAL-LIFE drones, this is a thread for the research and development of STARMADE drones.
    2. Madman198237

      A Solution To Flying Spaghetti Monsters

      I bring up, AGAIN, the fact that having interior space right now is a PROBLEM. It causes LAG. I believe the thing we need is called 'occlusion culling' (Though I may be wrong) because more faces of blocks get rendered without it. OC is just the de-rendering of non-exposed faces. I, actually...
    3. Madman198237

      Altered reactor config

      Technically a mention of how power is probably in-balanceable at this stage is on-topic. Mostly.
    4. Madman198237

      Altered reactor config

      Fundamental issue with balancing this game: Not all the core systems are present, or so we (The players) assume. Get crew in there, universe update, whatever there is to add, and then see what must be balanced. It could be that using the old power system, adding crew would've made everything...
    5. Madman198237

      Crew, Power, Stabilizers, Chambers

      You can't offload AI if you want a singleplayer offline mode, Lone_Puppy A more doable method might (I don't really understand what I'm talking about, general impressions only!) by to "offload" the AI to a separate thread or whatever, since it's going to have to run so many calculations with...
    6. Madman198237

      Issues with the 2.0 Power System (Regarding the Goals of the New System)

      You're suggesting that no ship can EVER have more power than its size would normally indicate. That's RIDICULOUS, this is a SANDBOX, you need FREEDOM of design, even if it's not necessarily practical.
    7. Madman198237

      Issues with the 2.0 Power System (Regarding the Goals of the New System)

      Or we could skip the ridiculous math and COMPLETE brainlessness of offloading the power-system-building to the computer, and allow people to customize ships instead of giving them ridiculous and illogical hard limits on power. Also, I was talking "empty internal volume" not "total volume".
    8. Madman198237

      darkshipyard 2017

      You're using the old power system?
    9. Madman198237

      Issues with the 2.0 Power System (Regarding the Goals of the New System)

      Interesting note I never thought about earlier---one of the things the stabilizer mechanic was supposed to do, as I recall, is promote interior space. The devs have gone after the wrong system for that---power systems have never taken up as much internal space as shield blocks, weapons, effects...
    10. Madman198237


      I see somebody needs to take up the torch of the REAL nation of EVE, and make the Minmatar vessels. I might just do that sometime soon....Great, now I've got to go check the dimensions on the Hurricane...and the Stabber. I don't think those have been SM'd yet.
    11. Madman198237

      New reactor mechanics with bombers/drones and fleets

      I always build my ships so that there is PD everywhere, with relatively little regard to maximizing overlap in firing angles. Maybe that's not the most efficient, but it's certainly the easiest, and probably more common (More PD = better, as a general rule, until you reach laggy territory, anyway)
    12. Madman198237

      New reactor mechanics with bombers/drones and fleets

      I also point out that you're going to activate MORE PDS turrets by firing from all angles compared to overwhelming the PDS turrets on one hemisphere of the vessel.
    13. Madman198237

      MicroMade - Modded StarMade

      Asvarduil Here's an idea I just had: Make something like the !align command, that allows you to choose what mega-faction you're part of. However, make a point-based system that allows you to unlock bigger and better things (The purchase of faction ships and stations at discounts, perhaps?) by...
    14. Madman198237

      MicroMade - Modded StarMade

      Keep up the overachievement!
    15. Madman198237

      Ship to Ship Alignment Option

      No, this would be a ship equivalent to alignment. You would NOT warp with them, unless it makes sense to---that would depend on the lore-based mechanism of jumping. Well, it'd actually depend mostly on balance, but hey, same difference, right?
    16. Madman198237

      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      Eh, everyone has their own classification system. Don't be concerned with your scale.
    17. Madman198237

      New reactor mechanics with bombers/drones and fleets

      When the update rolls out I'm using the build tools to build a 1km sphere and fitting it to turn fast without moving. I'll just jump my Death Star from place to place and obliterate people by point the superweapon at them. Or, you know, just park in their ship and let lag do my work for me.
    18. Madman198237

      Antiswarm Tech R&D

      PTW this. Got no ideas for it, other than be prepared to see more drones since the new reactor mechanics is going to make a mess of turrets, at least as I understand things.
    19. Madman198237

      Remove Thrust:Mass ratio cap...

      I agree with YOU. But the lightspeed comment was too funny to pass up.
    20. Madman198237

      Remove Thrust:Mass ratio cap...

      .95c does not play well with physics engines.