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    1. Jananton

      I'm excited about the new docking changes coming, but...

      Hmm, what we most need is patience. ;) In a game as complex as this it's quite silly to start building an AI event creation system as long as not all intended game mechanics are in place and have proven their stability, otherwise you can start that part over and over again after each update and...
    2. Jananton

      NPC core overheat timer changed

      Apart that over 4000 secs sounds like a very long time, you do know you can salvage those pirate ships by entering their core to stop the overheating and then take them apart for resources do you. As for the long dying time you experience, haven't had that myself yet, maybe someone else can...
    3. Jananton

      How do I spawn in a custom station

      Afaik these days there's a separate folder for station blueprints in the StarMade install, so I presume when you put the right files in there they will show up as stations.... Greets, Jan
    4. Jananton

      Do asteroids respawn ever?

      Hmm, I would consider that a bug. At least now I know why I always find half eaten ones when I'm sure I cleaned a field out. ;) I hope this will be addressed, since the speed at which one mines is highly dependable on the type of salvage beams used and the auto save time the server is on. That...
    5. Jananton

      Single Player and Faction Points

      Hmm, uptime, downtime, I'm not a server savvy myself<g>, but I think that when the server is switched off then being off-line as a player has no consequences. I've been toying too much with Unity 5 the last weeks, so done less to little in Starmade, and my faction points haven't gone down in my...
    6. Jananton

      Single Player and Faction Points

      In single player both would be the same wouldn't they, the time you play the server is up. The time the server is down is counted as off-line I presume. I have had a look at the faction stats window from time to time, but I think that's still being worked on, because I feel not everything is...
    7. Jananton

      Single Player and Faction Points

      Hmm, if the point system hasn't changed since it was introduced you can have 4 claimed systems in single player - at least I had some time ago - and still receive a little amount for every hour logged in. With 5 systems or more you start to lose points. Greets, Jan
    8. Jananton

      Dev Blog : March 30th 2015

      Well, I can only say that was an exciting read. If I understood correctly docking will become much more of a flying experience then an instant move in place when firing a beam from the core, very nice. On a whole there's a lot discussed to take in at once and some things probably take some time...
    9. Jananton

      How to make efficient scanners?

      Afaik it's sectors. When you're in your own Faction controlled systems the range is longer, 6 if I'm correct. Greets, Jan
    10. Jananton

      Resource name changes?

      Hmm, I was wondering about those, but I already assumed it probably was for minimizing confusion in the used names. ;) I'll make a note when I see that Parseen one again, I believe it was the shards itself, but I'm not absolutely sure... Greets, Jan
    11. Jananton

      The Future of Crafting Discussion

      Personally I feel that after the last revision the crafting system lost a lot of depth with the exception of hull types. In the final days of the past year I started a thread about this in the suggestions sub forum here about this. Here's a link to my final post in that thread were I show a...
    12. Jananton

      Bug Sound Effect Issue in v0.18999

      Apart from the obvious "in space, nobody can hear you scream", I'm sure proper handling of sound effects will be addressed in due time. ;) Greets, Jan
    13. Jananton

      StarMade v0.18999 - Some serious optimizations and balance changes

      Oh boy, I couldn't believe the FPS counter when I did a fresh install of this update and ran it. A whopping 512 frames on an old system that was high end four years ago, sweet. ;) Thanks guys, keep up the good work. Greets, Jan
    14. Jananton

      Increased Rotation on Display Modules

      Hmm, I reckon that as soon as docking in any direction intended by the builder is solved this display block positioning will become available as well. ;) Greets, Jan
    15. Jananton

      Picking up loot clouds

      Hmm, I'm a little double about this. If you've set up named storage in your ship one can easily transfer stuff from your inventory to the storage and when you do this while being stopped inside the loot cloud your inventory fills up again in any space you emptied. Now if the game had something...
    16. Jananton

      Update in one day...maybe?

      Hmm, if I look at that list I mostly feel it's a reminder what needs to be done or addressed over time. Actually I don't even think the order it's in is in any way an indication of what will be done first, but I can be mistaken of course. ;) Nevertheless, there are a few very interesting items...
    17. Jananton

      How do YOU use warheads?

      My mistake, I thought it was a Bobby AI block, something you obviously don't need for this. ;) Greets, Jan
    18. Jananton

      How do YOU use warheads?

      I like that idea Drakkart, but I wonder why the push module works without a computer attached in your video. I wonder if this is just a glitch depending on some bug that will be ironed out over time. ;) Greets, Jan
    19. Jananton

      Blueprint permisions?

      It's a known issue found as bug #1764 on the bug tracker. Greets, Jan
    20. Jananton

      Yay i can finnaly play! or wait where are the indicators?!

      Hmm, if you're on windows 7 just right click somewhere on an empty space of your desktop and select screen resolution from the popup menu. There you can see what the native resolution of your monitor is currently and set the StarMade full screen resolution accordingly. Greets, Jan