Search results

    1. Nauvran

      Faction balls!

      Red Eagle
    2. Nauvran

      Holograms on stations

      cool holograms
    3. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.
    4. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.
    5. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Same username as what? Please write your exact IGN We need pictures as examples of your builds.
    6. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      then make an application like everyone else.
    7. Nauvran

      Criss' Thread

      Your reply is irrelevant to what the discussion was about, we already know you're going to keep the ships and that you might let us builders refit the ships. But are you going to use our community fleets for scavenger parts? It would make both Scavenger and the community fleets feel more part of...
    8. Nauvran

      Criss' Thread

      We are talking about the ship designs themselves not the systems. With Systems 2.0 we already need to refit all the community fleets. Criss and Saber could easily take the bridge, engine, weapon, or anything off a community fleet ship and build it onto a scavenger.
    9. Nauvran

      Criss' Thread

      could use parts from those glorious community fleets. if you havent forgotten completely about them
    10. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mod.
    11. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      We need an example of your work. Take some screenshots with F5, F6, or F12(steam). You can upload the pictures to SMD directly in a post or use a hosting site such as imgur.
    12. Nauvran

      Redalert Mentor Nomination

      admin aboooooooooooooooose!
    13. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mod.
    14. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      We need your IGN (ingame name)
    15. Nauvran

      Atra batra patra latra datra satra natra :u

      Atra batra patra latra datra satra natra :u
    16. Nauvran

      No More Surviving Space Without a Helmet

      Later on? yes, right now? no just no.
    17. Nauvran

      Turret reset

      but that is literally the worst menu in the entire game, just awful. oh and the "undock all" is very easy to accidentally hit
    18. Nauvran

      How useful actually is armour?

      I feel like these test could be a tad more controlled and thorough. Single output weapons, one of each type with all combinations. Multiple setups of armour, 1-10 layers of each type to test against each other. Different amount of the defencive effects on said armour setups. Shield target that...
    19. Nauvran

      Cake Build Server - The Most Delicious Build Server [Whitelist]

      Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mod.
    20. Nauvran

      Starmade interest through the years

      Sounds like you just have a ship thats larger than the sectors it's in, that causes issues of course, the general size of the ship shouldnt be too much of an issue unless you have a lower than average computer.