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    1. S

      2 Questions, 1 logic based, and 1 PD Turret based...

      I know how to integrate logic with docking blocks, I want to know how to get docking blocks to be placed into the hot bar with the other system computers, they show up on the list but are un-able to be placed onto the hotbar.
    2. S

      2 Questions, 1 logic based, and 1 PD Turret based...

      Please explain how this is possible, I'm experiencing some difficulties, explanation below. After reading your post I got all excited that docking blocks can now actually be entered into the hotbar. Started the game and entered the core of the ship I;m currently building and was able to...
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      The ultimate drone R&D thread

      OK, maybe I missed an earlier post about why you have a passive push system installed on a drone. Let me make some assumptions about that and please correct me if I'm wrong. 1. Last I knew A.I. would not use passive systems, so I'm guessing that they are logic controlled. 2. A.I. has a tendency...
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      Antenna Configuration
    5. S

      Antenna Configuration

      According to the WIKI orientation and lay-out don't actually matter, just the number of modules. I've tried with modules in one straight line and scattered through-out the build and have not noticed any difference.
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      Will it ever be possible to move cores?

      Currently I know of no easy way to do so. Using the copy/paste function of the 'advanced' build mode it is possible to move the rest of the ship in relation to the core so that the core is where you want it in the ship. The smaller the ship the less aggravation involved. Larger ships have to be...
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      Logic pipes

      If you can't hide them entirely, getting them to run straight horizontally or vertically close to walls and/or ceilings make them look more like interior fixtures that should be there.
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      Xavori's Impractical Logic: Slot machine!

      Expect strong opposition from the Trade Guild after your Casino goes on-line, they already have enough problems with their shopkeepers getting hooked on yholes, now they can look forward to rampant embezzlement of Rammet crystals from their employees.
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      SK-W1D 2015-03-02

      Mass: 314.2 (includes turrets) 2910 Blocks 27m along each axis, 1.6 turning speed in all directions Thrust 312.4 Shields 14611, 1072 recharge, defensive ION system of over 50% eff. Power: 149,596.6 ( 78079.1 Regen) Designed as a fleet defense unit, not suited for a one on one engagement. Main...
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      Tried to Upload Corrupted Skin File?

      Having same problem on home LAN server. All machines using Win7-64bit. Tried using several different downloaded skins, skins made using SMSG, and some made using windows paint, same error for all. Both client and server admin get message about corrupted skin upload. ( admin not restricted, so...
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      Seeking Information: Anti-missile turrets

      Uh,,, that's not gonna work, heat-seekers and Bobby controlled weapons act like drunken sailors just returned from long deployment, will go after just about anything with very limited success. Many players that spot that would open fire while backing away as fast as possible as primal survival...
    12. S

      Star Trek Phasers

      They can also be mounted on fixed docking points, will fire in the 'forward' direction of the docking area. Top and sides - forward is forward, front and back - forward is down, bottom - forward is to the rear. And as far as I know, unless things have changed, turrets can fire through your ship...
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      Starside Tournament - Team Odium

      A short one-sided fight, but does provide a prime example why not to use the missile/missile combo anywhere near allies.
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      Adventures of the Asteroid Wrangler!

      Your tale gave me an idea. In theory if you use one large pull beam with several much smaller push beams ( use missile as secondary to get multiple beams) spaced around the main pull beam when the asteroid gets close enough more of the push beams will hit it and hopefully a state of equilibrium...
    15. S

      Seeking Information: Anti-missile turrets

      Keep in mind that power requirements increase 10% for every extra 'emitter' in the array. A set of 11 single block cannons will use double the power of 1 eleven block cannon. Your proposed 7x7 array will use 480% more power than if they were combined into one barrel. The concept is sound and...
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      Anti-Gravity Fields

      I tried the stilt trick a month or so ago, worked wonderfully until I fumble clicked and extended the ship beyond the docking boundary. Thankfully it wasn't a large ship (less than 1,500 blocks) and did not cause much lag. Since then I've found it much simpler to build in orbit, just a bit past...
    17. S

      Activate logic from Inside your ship core/build block!

      It might work but I think you will need to have the object go through more than one storage block, logic doesn't recognized objects placed in storage by the user or factories, just those that get pulled from one storage block to another. From what I've read here on the forums "OR" is high if...